2019-2023 Announcements — The First Baptist Church Washington DC

Worship on Sundays @ 11am | Click here to download or view our Worship Guide

Reception in honor of D'O Dillard - Feb. 2, 2020

After ten years of faithful service at FBC, D'O Dillard is retiring on December 31. We will honor D'O and celebrate her ministry on Sunday, February 2 (this is a change from January 5) both in worship and at the First Sunday Potluck. Please join us as we gather for a time of laughter, gratitude and saying farewell and Godspeed.

Farewell Gift

One tangible way we are saying thanks is by donating to a farewell gift for D’O. Click the button below, sign in to Tithe.ly, and select “Retirement Gift for D’O” from the pull down menu.
