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This Sunday in Worship

Encountering the Holy: Action

Sermon Text: Isaiah 6:1-8
Other Texts:
1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38.

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie completes a three-week sermon series, Encountering the Holy, based on Isaiah 6:1-8. Each week in worship we read a different translation of that passage. Today, we will hear the Isaiah 6 text from The Inclusive Bible.

In the year 740 BC, Isaiah was a young man in his twenties stepped into the sacred temple in Jerusalem. Inside, he experienced a profound and life-changing moment that would define his entire existence. This transformative encounter with the Divine is a powerful illustration of what can happen to any of us when we truly connect with the sacred. Isaiah’s response to this encounter reveals three essential ways we can respond to the living God.

worship guide updated by each Thursday for the upcoming service