What to Expect When You Visit


What’s a typical worship service like?
Sunday worship begins at 11 a.m. and is participatory, with congregational readings, prayers for each other and the world, and a message, usually from Pastor Julie. We sing a variety of old hymns and newer songs, accompanied by pipe organ, piano and choir. We celebrate Communion (usually) on the first Sunday of each month. We practice open table Communion, which simply means that all are welcome to partake.

Where is the church entrance?
The sanctuary entrance is on 16th Street, near the intersection with O Street, NW, next to the Australian Embassy. 

What should I wear?
Whatever makes you feel most like yourself. On Sundays you’ll see suits, shorts, bowties, Birkenstocks, heels, jeans, and more…It’s all good.

What do you have for my children?

First Baptist offers faith formation hour for infants through elementary age at 10:00 and extended care for infants and preschoolers during the 11 a.m. worship service. The children’s rooms and nursery are newly renovated and just steps away from the sanctuary.

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Is FBC accessible to people who are differently abled?
Yes! The main entrance at 16th and O Streets is accessible to wheelchairs. Two new elevators provide easy access to all meeting rooms, newly renovated restrooms, and Fellowship Hall where the new choir room is located.

We’re Glad You’re Here
First Baptist Church is a diverse community, bringing together people of many different backgrounds, ages and interests. Some choose to be involved only on Sunday mornings; others participate in groups and ministries during the week. Whatever your desired level of involvement, we invite you to talk to members of our community, to browse the pages of this website (even to subscribe to our weekly email to know what’s going on) and ask questions. We want you to feel at home. We’re glad you’re here.