Sunday, February 23, 2025 | Encountering the Holy: Action 

Today in worship, Pastor Julie completes a three-week sermon series, Encountering the Holy, based on Isaiah 6:1-8. Each week in worship we  read a different translation of that passage. Today, we will hear the Isaiah 6 text from The Inclusive Bible.

Accompanying scripture passages are 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 and Luke 6:27-38.

Sunday, February 16, 2025 | Encountering the Holy: Repentance

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie continued a three-week sermon series, Encountering the Holy, based on Isaiah 6:1-8. Each week in worship we will read a different translation of that passage. This Sunday, we will hear the Isaiah 6 text from the NRSVue (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition). Accompanying scripture passages are Luke 6:17-26 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-20.

Sunday, February 9, 2025 | Encountering the Holy: Wonder 

To live in wonder is to be alive to the signs of the sacred all around you. Frederick Buechner said, “To speak of [something] as holy is to say that it has something of God’s mark upon it. Times, places, things and people can all be holy—and when they are, they are usually not hard to recognize.”

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie begins a three-week sermon series, Encountering the Holy, based on Isaiah 6:1-8. Each week in worship we will read a different translation of that passage. This Sunday, we will hear the Isaiah 6 text from Eugene Peterson’s translation, The Message.

Accompanying scripture passages are Luke 5:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

Sunday, February 2, 2025 | Fulfilling Your Divine Assignment | Aqueelah Ligonde

Today in worship, we continue the season of Epiphany. Epiphany walks through the “firsts” of Christ such as his baptism, his first miracle, his first sermon, and this Sunday, his presentation in the temple.

Pastor Julie will be back from Orlando and in worship, and guest preacher Aqueelah Ligonde will preach the message “Fulfilling Your Divine Assignment” based on Jeremiah 1:4-10. Accompanying scripture passages are Luke 2:22-40 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. 

We will celebrate communion together, collect a benevolence offering, and enjoy our First Sunday potluck after worship.

Sunday, January 26, 2025 | His Inauguration Address

This Sunday in worship, we continue the season of Epiphany. Epiphany walks through the “firsts” of Christ such as his baptism, his first miracle, and in this week's Gospel text, his first sermon. Pastor Eric will preach the message “His Inauguration Address” based on Luke 4:14-30.

In Luke 4, we encounter Jesus in his hometown temple beginning his earthly ministry by reading the prophet Isaiah's words and instructing those gathered. Many biblical scholars and theologians describe this moment as the inauguration of Jesus' ministry, because he lays out his earthly mission in explicit terms for the first time. It is not received well by those who hear it, and they try to run him out of town. Yet for Jesus, this moment proceeds from a foundational "yes" to God, which is ultimately a "no" to all injustices and forms of hatred - none of which are of God.

Accompanying scriptures are Psalm 19:7-14 and 1 Corinthians 12:18-31a.

Sunday, January 19, 2025 | The First of His Signs

Today in worship, we continue the season of Epiphany and celebrate the first of Christ’s miracles: turning water to wine at the wedding of Cana. Pastor Julie is preaches the message “The First of His Signs” from John 2:1-11. Accompanying scriptures are Isaiah 62:1-5 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

Sunday, January 12, 2025 | Baptized and Beloved

Who tells you who you are? Your family? Your friends? Your enemies? Your conscience? Your boss?  

This Sunday in worship we continue the season of Epiphany by remembering the baptism of Jesus and the Divine affirmation: “You are my beloved, my own. In you I am well pleased.” To be baptized in Christ is to claim one’s identity: “I am a child of God.”

When we’ve lost our way, become confused or forgotten who we are, it helps so much to go back and look into those waters and see our face reflected there. 

Accompanying scriptures are Psalm 29 and Acts 8:14-17.

Sunday, January 5, 2025 | All Things New

This Sunday in worship, we welcome the new year and celebrate Epiphany. Epiphany marks the revelation of the Christ child to the magi who traveled from afar to worship and present gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. It reminds us that from the beginning of his life, Jesus shone forth as God’s great reveal to the whole world.

Pastor Julie preaches the message “All Things New” from Isaiah 43:16-21, with the accompanying scripture of Matthew 2:1-12. We will take communion together in worship, and collect the first benevolence offering of 2025. After worship, we will catch up from the holidays with a potluck downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, December 29, 2024 | Lay It Down in Peace

Today in worship we celebrate the season of Christmas in the life of the church. Pastor Julie preaches the message “Lay It Down in Peace” from Luke 2:21-39—the story of old Simeon meeting the Christ child in the temple. The story of Simeon invites us to ask, "What do I need to let go of so I can take hold of something new in the days ahead? What new beginnings will I let God place in my hand in 2025?"

The accompanying text is Isaiah 55:6-13. 

December 24, 2024 | Christmas Eve Carols, Candlelight, and Communion

Celebrate Christmas Eve with First Baptist Church tomorrow night. Our worship will include Christmas carols, the music of choir, organ, brass, holy communion, and a Christmas Eve meditation from Pastor Julie. The child and family-friendly service will end with the lighting of congregational candles and singing “Silent Night.”

Sunday, December 22, 2024 | Words for the Beginning: Hope Is Worth the Risk

In today’s Gospel text, the story of Joseph reminds us that the Christmas story has always been—and always will be—for ordinary people living messy, complex lives. 

Pastor Julie will preach the message, “Hope is Worth the Risk,” based on Matthew 1:18-25. The accompanying text is Isaiah 7:10-16. FBC's Crossroads Group will light the candle of Love.

Sunday, December 15, 2024 | Words for the Beginning: Do the Good That Is Yours To Do

As you journey through this season, may you find words for beginning again. No matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning.

In this Sunday’s Gospel text, Mary, who is visiting her older cousin Elizabeth, breaks into a sung prayer to God—a prophetic song of praise, judgment, and hope known as the Magnificat. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once called the Magnificat “the most passionate, the wildest, most revolutionary hymn ever sung.” For centuries, Mary’s words have become a rallying cry for the oppressed. 

Pastor Julie continues the Advent sermon series with the message, “Do the Good That Is Yours To Do,” based on Luke 1:46-55. The accompanying text is Isaiah 58:9b-12. FBC's young adult group will light the candle of Joy.

Sunday, December 8, 2024 | Christmas Candlelight Carols

66th Annual Christmas Candlelight Carols

Sunday, December 8  |  4:00 p.m.

Capture the joy of the season with this beloved First Baptist tradition featuring organ, brass, and the First Baptist Church Chancel Choir. We will collect a benevolence offering to benefit Ward 2 Mutual Aid, a grassroots, neighbor-led effort to take care of each other and our community.

Sunday, December 8, 2024 | Words for the Beginning: We Can't Go Alone

This Sunday in worship we continue the season of Advent, a time of profound transitions, marking both endings and beginnings. 

The embodiment of God in the person of Jesus invites us into fresh ways of living and loving, even as the world around us continues its relentless pace. In our own lives, as we navigate seasons of change, we seek words and images that become steady ground, a path for our feet as we follow Christ on the way.

This Sunday, Pastor Julie will continue the Advent sermon series with the message, “We Can’t Go Alone,” based on Luke 1:39-45. The accompanying text is Ruth 1. We will share communion together and collect a benevolence offering following worship.

As you journey through this season, may you find words for beginning again. For no matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning.

Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Words for the Beginning: You Are a Blessing

This Sunday in worship, we begin the season of Advent and light the Advent candle of Hope. Pastor Julie begins a new sermon series entitled “Words for the Beginning.” Her message is titled “You Are a Blessing,” based on Luke 1:26-38. The accompanying text is Isaiah 43:1-7.

Sunday, November 24, 2024 | Pastor Eric | The Christ Who Gives

Today in worship, Pastor Eric will preach the message “The Christ Who Gives” based on Luke 23:33-43. Accompanying scripture passages are Psalm 46 and Ephesians 1.

In the Christian calendar, which our congregation follows, this Sunday is known as the “Reign of Christ” or “Christ the King” Sunday. The tradition of this particular Sunday began in 1925 to remind Christians that their allegiance was to Christ, their spiritual ruler in heaven as opposed to earthly supremacy.

To 21st century ears, the language of “Christ the King’ Sunday can sound like heavy-handed, hierarchical hold-over from our patriarch dominated past. However, Jesus “kingship” does not involve domination or triumphalism — but the radical, all-powerful compassion and love of Jesus’ seeking justice for all.

Sunday, November 17, 2024 | Pastor Julie | Saying Grace

This Sunday is Gratitude Sunday, a day when, among other things, we celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness in the world and in our lives. Pastor Julie’s message, “Saying Grace,” will invite us to see more clearly God's gift and to answer more honestly and unmistakably with our lives as gift. Accompanying scripture passages are Psalm 95:1-7 and Matthew 6:19-21, 24-34

Sunday, November 10, 2024 | Pastor Julie | For good

Today in worship, Pastor Julie will preach the message “For Good” based on Romans 8:18-30. As we look at Romans 8, we will ask an important question: In a world as broken and violent as ours, what did Paul mean - what do we mean - by the claim, “All things work together for good?” Accompanying scripture passages are Genesis 50:15-21 and Mark 10:46-52.

All Saints Sunday, November 3, 2024 | Pastor Julie | The Myth of Winning

Today, November 3, is All Saints Sunday. We observe a special time of prayer and remembrance both for those who have died in Christ as well as for the upcoming election. We celebrate communion together, and we collect a benevolence offering.

Pastor Julie’s message is titled “The Myth of Winning.” Winning in the kin-dom of God looks radically different than our culture’s narratives about domination, climbing the ladder, and overcoming our enemies. Jesus never said, “Go, be winners,” but rather, “Come, follow me.” The sermon text is John 18:33-38 and accompanying passages are Psalm 23 and Philippians 2:5-11.