We are All on the Same Boat

“Any immigrant who lives with you must be treated as if they were one of your citizens. You must love them as yourself, because you were immigrants in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:34)

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Jesus, Matthew 25:35)

Friends, words are coming hard these days. The volume and velocity of the chaos and cruelty being visited upon the American people (and the world) in this moment defydescription. 

Some of you, I know, are feeling the pain in personal ways. Your jobs are in jeopardy.Your personhood is under threat. Your very existence is maligned. I am praying for you daily. 

This afternoon, my heart and mind are with the thousands of immigrants and asylum seekers in our country. People who pay their taxes, contribute to our communities, strengthen our churches, enrich our schools and are some of the best neighbors imaginable are terrified right now. 

A few weeks ago, while walking our dog Charlie around campus at Catholic University of America, we passed through CUA’s Welcome Plaza where Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz’s striking sculpture, “Angels Unawares,” was blanketed with snow. 

The 3.5-ton bronze piece is the second casting; the original artwork was commissioned by the Vatican and unveiled by Pope Francis in September 2019 in St. Peter’s Square for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

The 20-foot sculpture depicts 140 diverse migrants and refugees from different countries and historical eras huddled together on a boat as if seeking a safe harbor. 

The figures in the front of the boat include a Muslim woman fleeing Syria, a Jewish man holding suitcases while escaping Nazi Germany, a pregnant woman from Poland, and an Irish boy leaving home because of that country’s potato famine. 

In the back of the boat is the figure of a Cherokee man clutching his face in grief as he is forced from his tribe’s lands during the “Trail of Tears.”

And in the boat with all the rest of the immigrants and refugees is the Holy Family, shown on their flight into Egypt with Joseph holding carpentry tools and Mary cradling the baby Jesus in her arms.

Rising from the middle of the figures standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the boat is a set of large angel wings. The sculpture includes the quote from Hebrews 13:2, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” 

As I stood there with Charlie, the freezing, gray day and stark snow seemed to amplify the desperation of those in the boat. Every immigration story carries with it anticipation and anguish, longing and fear.  

“Don’t mistreat or oppress an immigrant, because you were once immigrants in the land of Egypt,” says God to the people. (Exodus 22:21) In other words—we are all in that boat. 

Friends, if we want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who himself was a refugee, and to see Christ in all people, especially those who are vulnerable, then we need to understand that ours is a story of connectedness, not separateness.

When “Angels Unawares” was unveiled in St. Peter’s Square six years ago, Pope Francis said, “We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other.”

May it be so in our time.

Encountering the Holy - February Sermon Series

In the year 740 BC, a young man in his twenties walked into the temple in Jerusalem. Something happened to him while inside that turned out to be the single, defining moment of his life. What happened to Isaiah that day is a picture of what happens to any of us whenever we have an authentic encounter with the Divine. Isaiah’s answer shows us three essential responses to the living God.

February 9                  Encountering the Holy: Wonder
February 16               
Encountering the Holy: Repentance  
February 23                Encountering the Holy: Action

Hopelessness is Always Premature

Dear FBC Family:

Oh, friends. What a week this has been (after only three days!). I’m writing to you this morning from my mother’s dining room in Clermont, Florida, where Tim, Taylor and I are enjoying some vacation time with my mother.

We flew down Tuesday night on a plane brimming with celebratory folk returning home from the inauguration. When the pilot announced that our route would bring us close to the “Gulf of America,” the plane erupted with whoops and cheers. I didn’t fault the giddy people around me (though I did take umbrage with the pilot). Who doesn’t like to feel like a winner? I spent the two-hour flight wondering how many of the dear people around me on that plane belonged to a Christian church and, if so, what kind of spiritual guidance they were receiving from their pastors.

Plenty of prayers and declarations came this week from a variety of faith leaders, mostly Evangelical Christians. While too many sounded like partisan endorsements, the humble entreaty for mercy upon our nation’s most vulnerable ones from Mariann Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington, was a message one would expect to hear from a prophet of God.

Some pastoral words from the heart.

Siblings in Christ, I am holding you in the Light today.

To you in the LGBTQ+ community who are feeling anxious and derided, know that you are cherished, seen and surrounded by this faith community. Your validity is not dictated by an executive order.

To undocumented children of God in our congregation, know that you are cherished and surrounded by this faith community. You belong to the Eternal God whose love knows no borders.

To you who feel abandoned by the assault on diversity, equity and inclusion programs, know that you are beloved by your faith community. You are not alone. Your church will walk with you.

To dedicated government employees in our congregation who are feeling unappreciated or uncertain about the future, know that you are cherished and valued by this faith community. Your worth as a worker is not determined by any executive action.

How do we stay grounded in the months and years ahead?

My goodness, I’m still figuring this out for myself! But I’ll offer three modest encouragements here for keeping your spirit balanced and your soul focused:

  1. Practice the Presence of God. No fancy instruction here. Just be yourself and be aware of divine presence in this moment. Rather than reprocessing the past or worrying about the future, let yourself be aware of Christ’s presence right here, right now.

  2. Don’t get pulled into the vortex of outrage. As Richard Rohr reminds us, “We need the wisdom of a ‘full prophet,’ one who can love and yet criticize, one who can speak their words of correction out of an experience of gratitude, not anger. God must allow us to come to a place of freedom, a place of peace, and a place of fullness before we can speak as a prophet. A prophet must hold on to the truth of their anger, especially as it is directed toward injustice—but the danger of the anger is that when we let it control us, we’re not a help anymore. That’s why we have so many false prophets in America and in the world today.”

  3. Keep asking “What is mine to do?” My mind has returned more than once this week to the Mines of Moria in Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, and the scene in which Frodo Baggins laments to Gandalf, “I wish it need not have happened in my time.” Gandalf replies, "So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Dear beloved of God, you cannot fix the world—nor is God calling you to fix it. You can only endeavor to do what is yours to do. What if we discern together what is ours to do?

I’ll be back in worship on February 2. This Sunday, Pastor Eric will preach from Luke chapter four, which seems tailor-made for a week like this one:

[Jesus said,] “The Spirit of Yahweh is upon me. God has anointed me and sent me to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to liberate the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of God’s favor.”

The Spirit of Yahweh is on you, too, and on all of us together. And that is worth celebrating.

With hope,

Blue Christmas: A Service of Consolation

Sunday, December 22  |  4:00 p.m.

The holidays are marked by celebrations, yet they are often stressful or sad for those experiencing grief of any kind, especially the death of loved ones in the last year. Join us on Sunday, December 22, at 4:00 p.m. for Blue Christmas: A Service of Consolation.

Let the music of the Chancel Choir, the comforting words of Scripture and poetry, and words of hope from Pastor Julie bring peace to your tired soul. The service concludes with the lighting of candles in memory of people who have died, and/or in acknowledgment of other kinds of grief we carry. Please consider inviting and accompanying someone you know who needs some comfort and hope this year.

66th Annual Christmas Candlelight Carols

First Baptist’s 66th Annual Christmas Candlelight Carols will be held Sunday, December 8 at 4:00 pm. Capture the joy of the season with this beloved First Baptist tradition featuring organ, brass, and the First Baptist Church Chancel Choir. We will collect a benevolence offering to benefit Ward 2 Mutual Aid, a grassroots, neighbor-led effort to take care of each other and our community. After the service, you can enjoy hot beverages and cookies. Invite your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

D.C. Ward 2 Mutual Aid 

Each year, the Compassion and Justice Ministry Action Team at First Baptist Church recommends a mission parnter in the DMV area to sponsor through a special collected offering at Candlelight Carols. This year, Ward 2 Mutual Aid is the selected beneficiary of tonight’s special offering. 

Based at Luther Place, Ward 2 Mutual Aid is part of the the DC Mutual Aid Network (DCMA). This is a grassroots community-led effort that takes care of each other and keeps our city as safe as possible. Ward 2 Mutual Aid has concrete activities that include staffing a warming hotline, delivering groceries, dropping supplies to unhoused neighbors, organizing local residencs, preparing students for school with books and clothing, and supporting high risk and immuno-compromised individuals.

Mutual Aid is a practice and politics that emphasizes solidarity rather than charity. It recognizes that our well-being, health, and dignity are all bound up in each other. It understands our survival depends on cooperation, not competition. In this particular moment, it sees that our health is also dependent on other people’s health, and that individuals can literally save each other’s lives. Rather than disengage and feel powerless, mutual aid allows the community to plug in where the most impact can be made — locally.

Testimonies on Faith, Hope, and Love

In October, Pastor Julie preached the sermon series Faith, Hope, and Love: These Three. Conrad Johnson, Clayton Carmon, and Pastor Eric shared their testimonies on faith, hope, and love, respectively.

Pastor Eric spoke on the love he felt from FBCDC in his recent discernment process. You can read his words below.

Pastor Eric: On Love

Sunday, October 27, 2024

When it’s time to print the worship guide, and Associate Pastor Eric still hasn’t found someone to give a testimony on love, it’s likely that the Senior Pastor Julie will say to Associate Pastor Eric, “How about you give a testimony on what Love looked like in your recent discernment process.”

And so, here we are. Lesson learned.

For those of you who are visiting today, or have encountered our church in recent months, you need some background. The story is that my plans at the end of July were to move South and begin a new ministry in a new place with a new congregation.

That decision came after a long discernment process that started almost one year ago and continued into the Spring. And this summer, I began the process of saying goodbye to this congregation, and was preparing to pack my bags and move to a place I genuinely believe God had called me.

As moving day drew near, I began to have anxiety about some parts of the move. Other parts weren’t working out. And, one of those still small voices got louder and louder until it felt like it was screaming, “Your work and your time in DC at at First Baptist DC are not done.” The more I tried to resist that voice, the more it persisted. And so, after another period of listening, I made the decision to stay in DC.

I’m still not sure I understand why one path felt like the right one last spring, and then like the wrong one at the end of the summer. I’m also not sure I fully understand the work of the Holy Spirit in this process.

But, the two feelings I have understood on both sides of my discernment process have been guilt and shame. Guilt – the feeling that I’ve done something wrong. Shame – the feeling that I am flawed and unworthy. These feelings are familiar, constant, companions in my life. They rear their head daily.

In this case, I felt guilt and shame that I would even consider playing what felt like discernment roulette with this and another congregation. I had guilt and shame knowing that my seemingly fickle nature would create confusion, chaos, and grief. And, if I’m honest I still have a twinge of guilt that the choir threw me a good-bye lunch and that I still haven’t returned the good-bye gift card to Home Depot.

Shortly after my “I’m staying” announcement was released, someone texted and said, “It’s nice to know that ministers are humans too…” And, indeed we are. Other emails, texts, and statements followed from this congregation, and they sounded like this: “I hope this decision is the right one for you. Do you have peace? Is this what you wanted? Our family loves you and only wants the best for you. I know what it’s like to make hard decisions. I’ve been there before. Can I do anything for you? How can we support you?”

On both sides of my discernment processes - when the narrative was leaving, and when the narrative was staying – this faith community (YOU!) responded with the character that I have known to be true of you from the very beginning. It’s the character that is at the heart of the mission statement we’re considering – to become a loving community.

That’s important – even for someone like me – a minister for whom one of the most difficult lessons in life is learning how to love myself and perhaps more importantly, how to trust God’s love for me.

I’m not saying that to make you feel sorry for me. I’m saying it because it’s honest, and because I think you can probably relate. None of us does a great job loving ourselves. And, that’s why faith communities like this one are so important.

One of my favorite writers, Anne Lamott, says, “I just want to hear from my church that I'm loved and chosen and welcome, no matter what a mess I've made of things, or how defective I still feel sometimes. I just want to hear that it will get better, although maybe not tomorrow right after lunch. I want to hear that [this community] and God will never leave me alone.”

And so, every Sunday I show up, sometimes to say, but always to hear the words: “No matter who you are, and no matter where you find yourself on the journey of life and faith, you are loved.” You are loved. Those are the words I needed to hear this spring and summer. They are the words I need to hear today.

And I remained in this place because I can bear witness that you mean them. That you live them. So there. And, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you, too.

On Election Day

FBC Family, I am holding you in prayer today. These are tumultuous days! I took great comfort in the candlelight vigil and prayer service last night. I brought the little worship guide home with me. The responsive prayer on page 3 is now affixed our refrigerator and I’ve found myself returning to it repeatedly today, whispering the words in my kitchen.

I shared the story in worship on Sunday of how, in 1952, at the threshold of the Cold War, Harry Emerson Fosdick, a Baptist minister and founding pastor of the Riverside Church in New York City, spoke to students and faculty at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California. After acknowledging the uncertainty and chaos in the world at that time, he spoke these now-famous words: “The highest use of a shaken time is to discover the unshakable.”

This is the Church’s task in tumultuous times: we return to the unshakable. We come back to the Source that does not move. We listen to our spiritual ancestors who, amidst cataclysm and uncertainty, raised their voices to sing:

God is our refuge and strength...
And though the whole earth should change,
we will not fear. 
Though the mountains themselves should tremble
   and fall into the seas…
   we will not be afraid.
For God, our God, is with us,
   a refuge and strength."
(Psalm 46)

As the political, social and religious structures roll and quake beneath our feet, may we return again and again to that which cannot be shaken.

What remains constant following the election? The love of God. The calling of Christ. The empowerment of the Spirit.

Come Wednesday…and Thursday…and Friday—what will the community of Christ do, regardless of the outcome?

We will love and worship God.
We will love and serve our neighbors.
We will pray.
We will act.
We’ll speak up for the voiceless.
We’ll stand with the powerless.
We’ll come alongside the hopeless.
We’ll plant seeds and paint pictures.
We’ll sing songs and hug our children.
We’ll do justice and love kindness and walk humbly with our Maker.
We’ll break bread with friends and strangers.
We’ll invite people to take a chance on God.
And maybe we’ll even take some fresh chances ourselves.

In other words, some things remain the same after Election Day. All the best things.

Peace and every good…

Pastor Julie

Election Eve Candlelight Vigil and Prayer Service

Last night, 50+ people from our congregation joined more than 30 houses of worship—and our neighbors—for a non-partisan Election Eve Candlelight Vigil. Participants lined 16th Street, from the White House to Silver Spring, with candles, signs, and our deepest prayers for democracy, peace, and hope. After the vigil, First Baptist folk gathered in our sanctuary to pray for our city, country, and world.

Fall 2024: Upcoming Events

Save the Date for these Fall Events

Sunday, September 22
Children and Youth Worship Hour
11:00 am | Fellowship Hall

Sunday, September 22
One Church Becomes Two Book Signing and Discussion
12:15 pm | Parlor

Sunday, September 22
Young Adult Sunday Night Fellowship
4:00 – 7:00 pm

Saturday, October 5
Cole Arthur Riley, author and speaker
1:00 pm | Sanctuary
*Free and open to the public. Offered in partnership with the World Student Christian Federation Annual Conference

Wednesdays in October (October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)
Young Adults: Drinks, Dinner, and Discussion
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Sunday, October 6
World Communion Sunday and Potluck
11:00 am | Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, October 8
Work and Worship Vespers Service
8:00 pm | Sanctuary
*Free and open to the public. Offered in partnership with Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Calvin Theological Seminary of Calvin University.

Sunday, October 13
Pipe Organ Spectacular featuring Sean Burns
4:00 pm | Sanctuary
*Free and open to the public. Offered in partnership with the DMV Chapter of the American Guild of Organists

Sunday, October 20
Young Adult Sunday Night Fellowship
6:00 – 9:00 pm

Saturday, October 26
DC Baptist Convention Annual Gathering
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday, November 3
Communion, Potluck, and Congregational Meeting
11:00 am | Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall

Monday, November 4
Election Eve Prayer Service
7:00 pm | Sanctuary

Sunday, November 17 | Gratitude Sunday
New Building tours at 10:00 am

Children and Youth Worship Hour
11:00 am | Fellowship Hall
Thanksgiving Lunch catered by Chef Laval
12:15 pm | Fellowship Hall

New Building Tours after Thanksgiving Lunch

Sunday, November 24 | Christ the King Sunday | Eric Mathis Preaching
New Building tours before and after worship (10:00 am and 12:15 pm)

Young Adult Sunday Night Fellowship (Friendsgiving)
6:00 – 9:00 pm

Sunday, December 1: First Sunday of Advent
Communion in Worship
11:00 am | Sanctuary

No First Sunday Potluck in December

Sunday, December 8
Christmas Candlelight Carols
4:00 pm | Sanctuary

Sunday, December 15
Young Adult Sunday Night Fellowship (Friendsmas)
6:00 – 9:00 pm

Sunday, December 22
Blue Christmas: A Service of Comfort and Hope
4:00 pm

Tuesday, December 24
Christmas Eve Worship
4:00 pm

Communicating Our Mission and Values

Proposed Mission and Values Statement - Click to download PDF

From the Ministry Leadership Team

Dear FBC Family:

Charles Berger, Rebecca Waugh,Lucy Plovnick (Chairperson)

In January of this year, many of us gathered together in Fellowship Hall to consider how best to articulate FBC’s mission and the deepest values by which we worship, serve, and engage our community. By the end of a three-hour, energetic, engaging process led by Ministry Architects, some language began to rise from the people.

In March, after prayerfully pondering the language, our leadership body at the time, the Church Council, suggested some fine-tuning, resulting in the statements included here.

We ask you to commit these statements to prayer in the coming weeks. On November 3, during our regularly scheduled congregational meeting, the church will be invited to declare discernment about these statements through a congregational vote.

Thank you for your participation in this transformative process for our congregation.

In Christ,

Charles Berger
Rebecca Waugh
Lucy Plovnick (Chairperson)

Hymns of the Presidents

Make plans now to join us for worship this Sunday, June 30. The Chancel Choir will lead worship that morning inspired by hymns of the Presidents. This service will include hymns sung by the Chancel Choir and congregation, accompanied by readings that connect the hymns to the life and service of United States Presidents. Following worship, we will celebrate Christi Harlan’s new book, Mr. President, the Class is Yours, with a book signing in the Narthex.

Mr. President, The Class Is Yours

Between stints as a Sunday School teacher at Plains Baptist Church and Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga., Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the United States and—on at least 17 Sunday mornings—the leader of Bible study with the Couples Class at the First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C.

 For the first time, the 14 known recordings of President Carter’s Sunday School lessons have been transcribed and printed with the historical context of the issues confronting the President outside the church walls.

Author Christi Harlan, an FBC member, will have copies of the book available for purchase and signing Sunday, June 30, after the 11 a.m. worship service. The books are $20 each and can be purchased with cash, check, credit card or Zelle.

Report from Rise Against Hunger

Rise Against Hunger

a Great Success

8,856 Meals in Two Hours

Last Sunday, June 2, more than 50 volunteers gathered after worship and packaged 8,856 meals for people facing hunger across the globe. Many thanks to all the adults, teens and children who rallied to serve, and of course the great staff at Rise Against Hunger!

Capital Pride 2024: March with FBC Saturday, June 8

FBC is joining the greater Washington metro area Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (AWAB) to celebrate Capital Pride 2024. Will you help our church be a visible witness of inclusion, abundant welcome, and the love of God by walking with us?

We have a new Parade route for 2024! Please note that the Parade route will NOT be going through the historic Dupont neighborhood.

If you want to join the parade, plan to arrive at the Orange staging area (click Staging Map button below) on 15th Street, between S & T Streets, no later than 2:30 pm. Step-off is at 3:00 pm. FBC and AWAB are close to the front of the parade, so it’s important to be there no later than 2:30. The closest Metro station to our staging area is the U St/African American Civil War Museum/Cardozo station. Feel free to call Pastor Eric once you arrive: 202-802-8355.

Parade Staging Map (click to enlarge)

Parade Route (click to enlarge)

Introducing the MLT


For congregational affirmation on May 5

Following 8 months of work with Ministry Architects, this Sunday, May 5, the congregation will be asked to affirm a proposed model of leadership and governance that emphasizes mission, ministry and lay leadership. This model relies on two primary leadership bodies: a Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) and Ministry Action Teams (MATs).

The main purpose of the Ministry Leadership Team is to guide decision-making processes, bringing essential matters before the congregation for discernment; to pray for and guide the spiritual, missional, and operational health and wholeness of the church. Individuals on the MLT are church members who lead and serve from a place of prayerfulness, humility, discernment, and attentive listening.


Meet the three candidates for the 2024-25 MLT:

Charles Berger, Rebecca Waugh, Lucy Plovnick

Rebecca Waugh (3-year term)

A native of Jackson MS with an MDiv from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ‘77, Rebecca/Becky has life-long roots in Baptist life, with involvement along the way with American Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Alliance of Baptists, Baptist Peace Fellowship, Baptist Joint Committee, and the “former-days” Southern Baptist Convention.  She’s been a summer missionary, pastor’s spouse, hospital chaplain, biblical studies curriculum writer, director of an urban ministry center in Providence, Rhode Island, board president of another center in New York City, and Church & Community Ministries Director of the Metro NY Baptist Association. 

Since 2000, Rebecca has worked in international relief & development, primarily in ecumenical frameworks, including Church World Service and IMA World Health, and intersecting with the World Council of Churches. After 20 years in NYC followed by 2+ years in Juba, South Sudan, she came to DC and affiliated with a Church of the Saviour group.  Feeling the “tug” to return to the Baptist fold and, in particular, to contribute to the unfolding of FBCDC’s future, she began attending FBC in October 2023, joined in November, and has been participating in the Contemplative Prayer Group, the Tapestry Sunday School class, and our future-oriented events with Ministry Architects, including the Prayer Team upholding this transition. 

Rebecca’s prayer is that FBC will move ever more boldly, creatively, and joyfully into this new stage of its life, as a faithful and radiant partner in God’s work of loving and healing the world, starting where we are planted.

Lucy Plovnick (2-year term)

Lucy joined FBC in February, 2007, and has been an active participant in the life of the church ever since. Over the seventeen years that Lucy has been at FBC she has served in many different roles at different times, including as chair of the Faith Formation Team (FFT), co-chair of the Give It Forward Team (GIFT) and the Facilities Improvement Team (FIT), Moderator (2013-17), and also as a Deacon.  Lucy has also helped organize and facilitate several Sunday School classes at FBC over the years. Most recently she has been helping to launch a new class for adults called The Wonder Years.  

Lucy was drawn to FBC by its female pastors, high church service, Baptist traditions, and ecumenical perspective, but the most important factor that brought Lucy to FBC was (and has always been) the church’s strong commitment to children’s ministry. Lucy’s three children, Kevin, Rosemary, and Valerie, have grown up at FBC, and all them were baptized by Pastor Julie in the FBC sanctuary.  Lucy, her husband Robert, and their kids live in northwest D.C. near Friendship Heights.

Lucy is an attorney and is a Partner at Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP, and based in their D.C. office which is located in Dupont Circle, only about three blocks from FBC.  Her legal work is focused in the areas of intellectual property, privacy, and commercial litigation.  

Lucy’s prayer for FBC is that we will be able to use our new Community Building to as a tool to realize our church’s mission and provide a welcoming space for ministry to our Dupont Circle neighborhood.    


Charles Berger (1-year term)

Charles sought out First Baptist Church in the summer of 2022 on the recommendation of his previous pastor in Washington State who had been inspired by Pastor Julie’s reputation as a woman in pastoral ministry. Charles joined FBC in June of 2023 and is now in his second year with the contemplative prayer group and participates in the Crossroads Bible study group. He also has served as a prayer partner throughout FBC’s journey with Ministry Architects.

Charles is a retired, ordained American Baptist pastor who served on the staff of a large church in Portland, Oregon before becoming a certified educator with the  Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. In that role, for 20 years he ran education programs in the art of pastoral care for clergy and religious workers of many faiths at Oregon State Hospital, then for another 13 years in Columbia, South Carolina, at a level-one trauma center. When Charles retired he took a contract with Joint Base Lewis-McCord, near Tacoma, WA, to work with military chaplains, and later received education to become a spiritual director. He served on the Leadership Board at Belfair Community Church and, during Covid years, made weekly calls to homebound members. He trained laypeople to facilitate in-home small groups which helped generate more intimate connections in the congregation. 

Charles recently moved to Bethesda, having sold the home he and his wife built sixteen years ago in Washington State. His wife died in 2015. He now lives with his daughter’s family and enjoys being PaPa to his 13-year-old grandson. 

He says, “What drew me to FBC was learning more about ‘quieting the monkey mind’ to hear God’s nudging.” Charles’ prayer for FBC is that we be a community that lives out the good news we claim. 

Schreiber Recital Series: Sean Burns in Recital

Sean Burns in Recital

Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 pm

Part of the Schreiber Recital Series

Join us for a captivating organ recital by our talented organist, Sean Burns, this Sunday, April 28th at 4:00 PM. Sean's performance promises a diverse musical journey showcasing the full potential of First Baptist's magnificent organ.

After the recital, unwind and connect with fellow music enthusiasts at a reception in Fellowship Hall.

This special event is part of the Lawrence P. "Lon" Schreiber Recital Series, honoring our esteemed Minister of Music Emeritus.