“…we have to learn to reach toward each other, and to listen to each other's real pain -- beneath the surface.. ”
To Be Known By Love - November 6, 2016
Text: Luke 15:1-10
To Live by Faith - October 30, 2016
October 30, 2016 Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:3
Choosing Generosity- October 23, 2016
Text: Malachi 3:7-12
Generous: What About the Extra? (pt. 2)- October 16, 2016
October 16, 2016 Text: Luke 12:22-28
Dealing Generously With the “Other” - October 9, 2016 (Stan Hastey)
October 9, 2016 Text: Luke 17:11-19
Generous: What About the Extra? (Part 1) - October 2, 2016
Text: Luke 12:13-21
Generous: Dealing with Discontentment - September 25, 2016
"…the single biggest driver of our spending and our overspending.”
Generous: A Better Endgame - September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016 Text: 1 Chronicles 29:10-16
Generous: God Isn’t After Your Money - September 11, 2016
Did you know there are approximately 500 verses in the Bible about prayer, fewer than 500 verses about faith, and more than 2,350 verses about money? What’s more, besides the Kingdom of God, Jesus said more words about money than about any other single subject. Join us in September-October at First Baptist as we talk about what it means to be generous with our money, our stuff and our lives.
Gospel for Workaholics- September 4, 2016
Deadly Me-ism - August 28, 2016
"God, heal our desires; tame our appetites; answer our hunger with more of yourself...so that we hunger most for the One who can make us whole. Amen."
Deadly Liberalism- August 21, 2016
"One thing about the gospel, it’s an equal opportunity offender. If you think of yourself as a conservative, the gospel will disturb you; if you think of yourself as a liberal, the gospel will disturb you."
Deadly Conservatism - August 14, 2016
In Jerusalem in C.E. 30, three particular cultural and religious forces contributed to the crucifixion of Jesus. They’re still around today.
Out of Many, One - August 7, 2016
"Let’s show love for our country and fidelity to the words of Jesus by speaking the truth, speaking it in love and respecting the rights of our fellow citizens —whether or not we agree with their politics or their religion."
The Trouble with Snakes - July 31, 2016
The Trouble with Snakes
Unrequited Love - July 24, 2016 - Stan Hastey
Unrequited Love
Finding Balance - July 17, 2016
"Is it possible that serving God sometimes can separate us from God?"
What We Say and What We Do - July 10, 2016
"In worship I can’t sing 'Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine' and ignore the reality that in our nation and world, fear and suspicion of the 'other' are killing us from the inside. What’s more, fear of the other exists also inside of me."
Be Free - July 3, 2016
"Freedom is one of God’s greatest passions. But there’s a kind of security in being a prisoner that can make us afraid of being free."