October 11, 2020 Worship

October Sermon Series
For the Living of These Days
Invitations to Wholeness in Turbulent Times

Practice Peace

Gathering Time: (Pastor Alyssa)
Welcome and Call to Worship (Pastor Joel)
Choral IntroitChrist is Made the Sure Foundation (Chancel Choir)
Gospel Reading: Matthew 6:25-29, 34 (Pastor Alyssa)
Passing the Peace (Pastor Alyssa)
HymnBlessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine (Chancel Choir)
Pastoral Prayer & Invitation for Prayer Requests (Pastor Joel)
AnthemThe Prayer of Saint Francis (Chancel Choir)
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:1-9 (Rosemary Plovnick)
MeditationFor the Living of These Days: Practice Peace (Pastor Julie)
Invitation to Silence (Pastor Julie)
Response to God's Grace (Pastor Alyssa)
Closing Words (Pastor Julie)
Benediction (Pastor Julie)
Sending Words (Charlotte Straight)
Organ PostludeAll Through the Night Arr. by John Ferguson, Edited by Lawrence P. Schreiber (Lon Schreiber)

October 4, 2020 Worship

October Sermon Series
For the Living of These Days
Invitations to Wholeness in Turbulent Times

Remember Sabbath

Welcome (Pastor Alyssa)
Choral Introit: God of the Prophets (Chancel Choir)
Morning Light: Adaptation of Psalm 19 (Diane Gardner)
Passing the Peace (Diane Gardner)
Hymn: All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly (Chancel Choir)
Organ Meditation: Sarabande (Land of Rest) (Lawrence P. Schreiber)
Pastoral Prayer & Invitation for Prayer Requests (Pastor Julie)
Scripture Readings: Exodus 20:8-11 & Matthew 12:1-14 (Pastor Joel)
Meditation: For the Living of These Days: Remember Sabbath (Pastor Julie)
Invitation to Silence (Pastor Julie)
Communion (Pastor Julie, Pastor Joel, Aurelio, Miriam, Abigail, Pastor Alyssa, Angus, John, Christina)
Closing Words (Pastor Alyssa)
Benediction (Pastor Julie)
Sending Words ( Taylor Pennington-Russell)
Organ Postlude: Allegro Maestoso e Vivace (Sonata II) by Felix Mendelssohn (Lon Schreiber)

September 27, 2020 Worship

Gathering Time (hosted by Rob Marus)

Welcome and Call to Worship (Pastor Julie)
Morning Light: Philippians 2:1-11 (Jennifer Campbell)
Choral Introit (Chancel Choir)
Passing the Peace (Pastor Joel)
Hymn: The God of Abraham Praise (Chancel Choir)
Pastoral Prayer & Invitation for Prayer Requests (Pastor Alyssa)
Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:23-32 (Pastor Joel)
Meditation: Yes and No (Pastor Julie)
Invitation to Silence
Response to God’s Grace
Closing Words (Pastor Joel)
Benediction (Pastor Julie)
Closing Celebration: God Be with You till We Meet Again
Sending Words (Layton and Tanisha)
Organ Postlude: Maestoso in C Sharp Minor Louis Vierne/Arr. by Alexander Schreiner (Lon Schreiber)

July 12, 2020 FBCDC Worship

Gathering Time (hosted by Kelly Magee-Prichard and Taylor Pennington-Russell)
Welcome and Call to Worship (Pastor Julie)
Choral IntroitJubilate! (arr. Lon Schreiber)
Passing the Peace (Pastor Joel)
HymnSource and Sovereign, Rock and Cloud (recorded this week by Chancel Choir)
AnthemHow Majestic is thy Name by Emma Lou Diemer
Pastoral Prayer (Philip Hawkins)
Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 (Pastor Alyssa)
MeditationYou Are Here (Pastor Alyssa)
Invitation to Silence
Communion (Pastor Julie)
Benediction (Pastor Alyssa)
Closing SongGod Be with You Till We Meet Again
Sending Words (Lon Schreiber)
Organ PostludeImmortal, invisible, God Only Wise (Lon Schreiber)

July 4 & 5 Weekend Recording: Worship Selections

Worship on this Independence Day weekend (July 4-5) consists of pre-recorded elements from some of FBC's online worship services since March and includes the faces and participation of FBC folk as well as music by our choir and organist Lon Schreiber. We will NOT meet live tomorrow morning, July 5. Live worship resumes next Sunday, July 12.

Order of Selections:

  • 00:06 Psalm 46 Call to Worship (March 29)

  • 00:46 Easter Call to Worship: He is Risen! (April 12)

  • 02:02 Handel's Hallelujah (April 12)

  • 05:59 Contemplative Practice with Pastor Julie: "Beginner's Mind" (May 10)

  • 10:49 Pentecost Hymn: Wind Who Makes all Winds That Blow (May 31)

  • 13:25 Pentecost Call to Worship in Different Languages: Acts 2:1-21 (May 31)

  • 17:46 Father's Day Tribute (June 21)

  • 20:36 Postlude: Hornpipe by G. F. Handel, Lon Schreiber, Organist (July 7, 2017)

June 7, 2020 Worship - Cultivating Wonder

Gathering Time (hosted by Chelsea Clarke)
Congregational HymnFor Such a Time As This (with Chancel Choir)
Pastoral Prayer (Pastor Alyssa)
Scripture Text: Psalm 8 (read by Linda Salmon)
MeditationCultivating Wonder (Pastor Julie)
Holy CommunionPlease bring elements to represent the bread and wine.
Sending Words: Rebecca Vander Veer
Sending Hymn (with faces of FBC folk): God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Organ PostludeEvery Time I Feel the Spirit, arr. Robert Dinda (Lon Schreiber)

May 31, 2020 Pentecost Sunday Worship

Meditation: Our Common Language (Pastor Julie) Texts: Acts 2:1-21 (read in many languages); Genesis 11:1-9 (read by Pastor Julie) Congregational Hymn: Wind Who Makes All Winds That Blow (with Chancel Choir) Visual Pastoral Prayer with Music: Spirit of the Living God (Chancel Choir) Organ Postlude: Every Time I Feel the Spirit, arr. Robert Dinda (Lon Schreiber)

An Extra Measure (Pastor Joel) - May 9-10, 2020 Pre-Recorded

Worship with the help of this simple, pre-recorded liturgy with music, scripture, a children's moment, a contemplative practice and a brief devotional message by Pastor Joel. Click the video above.

Order of Worship:

Welcome, Announcement and Mother's Day Blessing (Pastor Julie)
Children's Moment (Pastor Kelly)
Choral AnthemWhen I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Lon Schreiber & the Chancel Choir)
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-7 (Pastor Alyssa)
MeditationAn Extra Measure (Pastor Joel)
Contemplative PracticeBeginner's Mind (Pastor Julie)
Benediction (Pastor Joel)
Sending Words (Christina Whitehouse Suggs & Daughter)

Weekend Worship - April 25-26, 2020

Click on the Image below to view the April 26 worship recording.

Meditation: Pastor Alyssa
Text: Luke 24:13-35 (read by Didier Ahimera)
Music: Kelly Curtin, Kevin Biggins, Lon Schreiber & Philip Hawkins
Children's Moment: Pastor Kelly
Contemplative Prayer Practice: Pastor Julie