September 10, 2023 | God on the Move

Today in worship, Pastor Julie preaches the message, God on the Move, based on the story of the Passover in Exodus 12:1-14. Additional Lectionary texts are Romans 13:8-14 and Matthew 18:15-20.

This week is the second week in a 9-week series of messages from Exodus, titled God on the Move. The book of Exodus paints on a wide canvas the story of a liberating God who leads a rebellious people on a risky journey filled with failures, fresh chances, and unfailing love.

September 3, 2023 | The God Who Sends | Pastor Eric

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Eric preaches the message, The God Who Sends, based on the story of Moses' encounter with God at the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-15. Additional Lectionary texts are Psalm 105:1-6 and Matthew 16:21-28.

This week begins a 9-week series of messages from Exodus, titled God on the Move. The book of Exodus paints on a wide canvas the story of a liberating God who leads a rebellious people on a risky journey filled with failures, fresh chances, and unfailing love.

As the Chancel Choir concludes their summer break, tenor Kevin Pinckney provides musical leadership in worship.

August 27, 2023 | "Please Show Your Work"

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie preaches the message “Please Show Your Work," based on Matthew 16:30-20, when Jesus asks Peter: “Who do you say I am?” Peter’s continued dialogue with Jesus is seen by many as the foundation for the church. Additional Lectionary texts are Psalm 124 and Romans 12:1-8.

This week, as the Chancel Choir continues their summer break, tenor Aurelio Dominguez will provide musical leadership in worship.

August 13, 2023 | Teaching Jesus

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie preaches the message “Teaching Jesus” from Matthew 15:21-28. In this story, Jesus encounters the Canaanite woman who opens up a new dimension in Jesus. This story invites us to consider how the call of Christ to us means pushing old boundaries, embracing outsiders, and opening ourselves to the “other.” Additional lectionary texts are Psalm 133 and Romans 11:1-2a, 29-36.

The Chancel Choircontinue their summer break, and we welcome Antony Zwerdling, baritone as our cantor and soloist.

August 13, 2023 | Take Heart. God is Present. Don’t Be Afraid

Jesus Calms the Storm ©Laura James, 1996 Used with permission

This week in worship, Pastor Julie preaches the message “Take Heart. God is Present. Don’t Be Afraid," based on Matthew 14:22-33, when Jesus meets Peter on the stormy sea. This Gospel story invites us to experience the Christ who loves us no matter what, who holds our lives, and will not let go. Accompanying scripture passages are Psalm 105:1-6 and Romans 10:5-15.

Our Chancel Choir continues their summer break through September 3. In their absence, soprano Kelly Curtin will serve as cantor and will sing The Lord is My Shepherd by Antonín Dvořák and Alleluia by W. A. Mozart.

July 30, 2023 | Hidden in Plain Sight

Pastor Julie preaches the sermon entitled, Hidden in Plain Sight, based on Matthew 13:31-33, 44-51. Other texts include Psalm 105:1-11 and Romans 8:31-39. This week, we look at brief parables in Matthew 13 about the kindom of God. In the most common, everyday things and experiences are signs of the kindom of heaven; clues to all the holiness hidden in the ordinariness of our days.

July 23, 2023 | The Wisdom of Wheat | Pastor Eric

This Morning in worship, Pastor Eric preaches the sermon “The Wisdom of Wheat.” We examine another of Jesus' parables in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43. Like last week’s Gospel reading, this passage contains a parable with images of sowing seeds.

While last week’s sower liberally spread seeds on every kind of ground with mixed results, this week’s sower presumably uses good ground, but also gets mixed results because of the actions of an enemy. Additional texts are Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 and Romans 8:12-25.

July 16, 2023 | The Hilarious Farmer

This Sunday, Pastor Julie preaches the message The Hilarious Farmer based on Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. Reflecting on this text, also known as The Parable of the Sower, preaching professor Tom Long concludes: "...the church is called to ‘waste itself,’ to throw grace around like there is no tomorrow..."

Additional scripture texts are Psalm 119:105-112 and Romans 8:1-6, 11. The Chancel Choir sings “The Word Was God” by Rosephanye Powell.

July 9, 2023 | Find Rest | Bruce Salmon

Bruce Salmon

"Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Today, Bruce Salmon will preach the message Find Rest based on Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30. Additional scripture texts are Psalm 45:10-17 and Romans 7:15-25a. The Chancel Choir will sing “Come, Ye Disconsolate” by Terre Johnson.

We share communion today.

July 2, 2023 | Interdependence Day

Today, Pastor Julie preached the message Interdependence Day based on Hebrews 12:28-13:2. "Keep loving each other like family," says the writer of Hebrews. AND..."Don’t neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it."

Additional scripture texts are Psalm 13 and Matthew 10:40-42. The Chancel Choir will sing “Offertory” by John Ness Beck, a lovely musical setting based on Micah 6:8.

June 25, 2023 | The Original Handmaid’s Tale

This Sunday in worship Pastor Julie preached the message “The Original Handmaid’s Tale,” focusing on the painful story of Hagar and Ishmael in Genesis 21:8-21. The Bible is full of powerful stories about problematic people in messy, complicated situations. The story of Hagar and Ishmael is what Bible scholar Phyllis Trible calls a "text of terror." Womanist theologian Delores Williams says Hagar’s story is a story of "slavery, surrogacy, poverty, rape, exploitation, desperation, homelessness, single parenting, and radical encounters with God."

And...Hagar also is the only person in the Hebrew Bible to give God a name: El Roi—"the God who sees me."

Accompanying Lectionary passages are Romans 6:1b-11 and Matthew 10:26-31. The choir sings the anthem “With a Voice of Singing,” and we commission and bless Education for Ministry graduates.

June 18, 2023 | Moved with Compassion

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie will preach the message, Moved with Compassion, based on Matthew 9:35-38. Accompanying texts are Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 and Romans 5:1-8. The choir will sing the anthem, Lord of the Small. Enjoy coffee and conversation with one another in the Narthex before worship.

June 11 2023 | Facing Conflict in the Spirit of Christ

Sermon Text:  Matthew 18:15-20

Scripture Readings: Psalm 133 and Romans 13:8-14

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie will preach the message “Facing Conflict in the Spirit of Christ.” Her sermon text will be Matthew 18:15-20, and accompanying texts will be Psalm 133 and Romans 13:8-14. The choir will sing the anthem “Lord, When We Praise You with Glorious Music,” and we will sing a new hymn text and tune “In the Midst of New Dimensions.”

June 4 2023 | The Not-So-Great Commission | Pastor Eric Mathis

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. We celebrate God as revealed in three persons - Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. We will gather around Matthew 28:16-20, the familiar passage of scripture known as the Great Commission. Pastor Eric will preach the sermon The Not-So-Great Commission. Additional scripture readings are: Psalm 8 and 2 Corinthians 13:11-13.

We will share communion together in worship and, as is FBC’s custom on communion Sundays, we’ll have an opportunity to give to FBC’s benevolence fund.

May 28 2023 | Wind, Fire, Flesh | Pentecost Sunday

Based on Numbers 11:24-30; 1 Corinthians 12:12-20; and John 20:19-23

This Sunday in worship we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Christ followers after his ascent to heaven. Pastor Julie will preach the message Wind, Fire, Flesh. The Chancel Choir will sing Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me and the gospel anthem Praise God’s Holy Name.

May 21, 2023 | Witnesses | Spring Forum with Jeff Chu

Based on Psalm 68:4-10, 19-20, Acts 1:6-11, and Luke 24:46-53

This Sunday in worship we gather around the story of Christ ascending into heaven. Just before he was taken from his followers, Jesus said to them “… you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Jesus called the disciples to bear witness of Christ in the world, and we are to do the same.

In worship we will welcome guest proclaimer Jeff Chu, who will preach the sermon Witnesses.

May 14, 2023 | Known by Love

Based on John 14:15-21

Today in worship we gather around the words of Jesus during his final supper with his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” The Chancel Choir sings two anthems based on the John 14 text. Other Lectionary texts are Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 and Acts 17:22-28.

May 7, 2023 | The Power to Choose

This Sunday in worship, we gather around the promise that God always, always intends life and invites us—in every moment—to choose life.

We also will share communion and, at the end of worship, you'll have an opportunity to contribute to FBC's benevolence offering. Additional lectionary texts are Acts 10:27-36 and John 12:20-26.