Dear Church Family,
Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful, joyous holiday, and that the New Year 2017 will be peaceful and blessed for all of us.
Deborah Cochran
As you know, Rev. Deborah Cochran, our beloved Associate Pastor for Children and Families, is retiring from FBC at the end of this month (December 2016). We will be celebrating Deborah’s years of ministry at our church on January 8, 2017 in conjunction with our monthly potluck luncheon following the worship service. I hope many of you will be able to join us on January 8th and help us recognize Deborah’s many contributions to our church over the years.
Several of you have asked me about ways that we can show our appreciation to Deborah as she retires. Starting today, the church will be collecting a love offering for Deborah to benefit Heifer International, a great organization that Deborah and our FBC Kids have supported for many years.
Heifer is devoted to ending world hunger and poverty by passing the gift of livestock (animals such as cows, goats, and the like) to families in need. Heifer links communities and helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. You can read more about the Heifer Project here:
Our goal is to be able to contribute a Gift Ark to Heifer from FBC in Deborah’s honor, passing the gift of love to those who need it most.
Please join me in giving generously to the FBC Heifer Project in honor of Rev. Deborah Cochran. You can give a gift online through the "DONATE TO HEIFER IN HONOR OF DEBORAH" button at the top of this letter or by sending your contribution to the church office. Please make checks payable to FBC Washington, DC, and indicate “In honor of Deborah Cochran” on the memo line.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
In Christ,
FBC Moderator