Bruce Salmon
After I retired from 33 years as pastor of Village Baptist Church in Bowie, Md., I began to reflect on what my legacy might be. That reflection resulted in writing books which became the Spelunking Scripture Bible study series. The books explore important passages of scripture related to Christmas, Easter, the Letters of Paul, and Acts and the General Epistles of the New Testament. Maybe these books could be a kind of legacy.
All of us who are friends and members of First Baptist Church can help create another legacy, namely the new community building that is under construction where the FBC education building used to be. This new building will provide additional space for church meetings and activities and community ministries. This community building will be our legacy to those who come after us.
We are calling the Capital Campaign to help pay for this new building “Give It Forward.” Our gifts to the Capital Campaign will provide facilities to move forward into the future that God has for First Baptist Church.
In gratitude for your gift, I would be happy to send you an inscribed copy of one of my Spelunking Scripture Bible study books.
If you received a gift form in the mail, you can place it in the offering plate Sunday; mail it to the church office; or scan the form and email it to
Additional forms will be available in the Narthex Sunday. Please join us with your generous gift to the Capital Campaign.
Bruce Salmon, Co-Chair, Give It Forward Capital Campaign