Annual Benefit for National Center for Children and Families Sunday, May 7, 2017

Please help to support NCCF while enjoying a wonderful dinner and performance of “Beauty
and the Beast
” to benefit the youth in the Greentree Adolescent Program (GAP) on Sunday, May 7 at Toby’s Dinner Theatre of Columbia, MD at 5 pm.  Tickets, including dinner, show, and gratuity are $56 per person ($10.00 tax deductible).  The NCCF (formerly Baptist Home for Children) is a private, non-profit agency serving the national capital area. The residential programs serve homeless families, victims of domestic violence and vulnerable adolescents.  Other programs include treatment foster care, social services for family reunification, parenting education, independent living, and stabilization of families in the community.  If you cannot attend, but would like to make a contribution so that the youth from GAP may attend as our guests, we would be very grateful.  Checks should be made payable to the Board of Church Representatives, NCCF.  Please make your reservation or make a contribution by March 19. For tickets or donations, please contact Bonnie Jorgensen:, (240-418-2788).


Winter Forum

Feb 25: Saturday Mini-Retreat Led by Glenn Hinson
Spiritual Preparation for Lent
Please bring a Bible and a journal or diary (something for writing or doodling).

 9:30am    Gathering for coffee & pastries
10:00         1st Presentation: “Letting Go” (Phil. 4)
                  Silence for meditation and/or doodling
11:00          2nd Presentation: “Fasting from the Internet” (Rom. 12)
                  Silence for meditation and/or doodling
12:00pm    Lunch catered by Chef Laval ($8 per person paid with registration)
  1:00         3rd Presentation: "Facing Our Temptations” (Luke 4)
                  Silence for meditation and/or doodling
  2:00        4th Presentation: “What Will We Do with Our Fear?” Matt. 6; 1 Jn. 4)
  2:30        Sharing of insights from our meditation
  3:00        Communion

Feb 26: Sunday morning with Glenn Hinson

  9:30am    “The Top Ten Things My Life Has Taught Me” 
                   (Adult & Youth classes meet together)
  11:00         Message in Worship: “Pursuing an Elusive God”
                   (Exod. 24; Matt. 17)

Dr. E. Glenn Hinson is a world-renowned church historian and respected and sought-after leader in Christian Spirituality, who sees himself as very much a Baptist while also describing himself as a “Bapto-Quakero-Methedo-Presbyterio-Lutherano-Episcopo- Catholic.”

Glenn earned degrees from Washington University in St. Louis (B.A.), the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (B.D., Th.D.), and Oxford University (D.Phil.). During his academic career he taught on the faculties of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville (1962-1992) and Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond (1994-2000). During the 1960s, Glenn’s friendship with Trappist monk and spiritual writer Thomas Merton led him to become involved in the ecumenical movement of spiritual renewal—connecting the revivalist spirituality of many Baptists to ancient and medieval spiritual practices. He maintains a deep commitment to Christian nonviolence and the work of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, serving as the original editor of The Baptist Peacemaker.

Glenn is the author of more than 30 books, including his most recent publications, A Miracle of Grace (Mercer University Press) and Baptist Spirituality: A Call for Renewed Attentiveness to God (Nurturing Faith, Inc.) He is married to Martha Burks. They have two adult children, Christopher and Elizabeth.

Inclusion Conversations About to Begin

Two days and times available (please choose one and RSVP on the form below by Wednesday, January 18) 

Sunday, January 22 @ 12:30 pm (after worship) Light lunch provided.
Saturday, January 28 @ 10:00 am Continental breakfast provided.


This month we will begin in earnest talking to each other about how we envision our congregation when it comes to inclusiveness of all people. Because these conversations will take place in small groups, participants must RSVP so that we can provide enough facilitators. The prevailing hope with these conversations is to get the FBC family to talk to, and learn from, each other and reach an outcome that ensures all of us feel heard, valued, and loved.
One of the small group questions we will be addressing together is this: “First Baptist Church already welcomes as membersincluding many who are serving in leadership rolesChristians who identify as members of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) communities. How do you feel about guaranteeing to all members, without exception, the ability to participate in all of the blessings and benefits of membership, including marriage and parent and child dedications?” 

Conversations will begin in Fellowship Hall.

Childcare is available on both days (reservations required). Reserve a spot for your child using the form below.

Please participate!

Your Inclusion Team:
Steve Netcott, Paul Clark, Kate Campbell, Rod Coates, Zena Aldridge and Rob Marus (with pastors Julie, Charlie and Alyssa)

Fill out my online form.

Celebration of Deborah Cochran’s Ministry—January 8, 2017

Deborah Cochran w margin Left.jpg

The FBC family will gather after worship on Sunday, January 8, for a potluck luncheon and celebration in honor of our Associate Pastor for Children and Families, Rev. Deborah Cochran, who is retiring as of December 31st. Plans have been made for a wonderful event recognizing Deborah’s significant ministry these past 19 years. We’ve invited our CDC teachers and families to join us, so please bring an extra dish to share! (A-J: dessert and fruit; K-R: meats; S-Z: salad and vegetables)

A Gift to Heifer International in Honor of Deborah Cochran

Donate to Heifer in Honor of Deborah

Dear Church Family,
Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful, joyous holiday, and that the New Year 2017 will be peaceful and blessed for all of us.

  Deborah Cochran

  Deborah Cochran

As you know, Rev. Deborah Cochran, our beloved Associate Pastor for Children and Families, is retiring from FBC at the end of this month (December 2016). We will be celebrating Deborah’s years of ministry at our church on January 8, 2017 in conjunction with our monthly potluck luncheon following the worship service. I hope many of you will be able to join us on January 8th and help us recognize Deborah’s many contributions to our church over the years.
Several of you have asked me about ways that we can show our appreciation to Deborah as she retires. Starting today, the church will be collecting a love offering for Deborah to benefit Heifer International, a great organization that Deborah and our FBC Kids have supported for many years.

Heifer is devoted to ending world hunger and poverty by passing the gift of livestock (animals such as cows, goats, and the like) to families in need. Heifer links communities and helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. You can read more about the Heifer Project here:
Our goal is to be able to contribute a Gift Ark to Heifer from FBC in Deborah’s honor, passing the gift of love to those who need it most. 
Please join me in giving generously to the FBC Heifer Project in honor of Rev. Deborah Cochran. You can give a gift online through the "DONATE TO HEIFER IN HONOR OF DEBORAH" button at the top of this letter or by sending your contribution to the church office. Please make checks payable to FBC Washington, DC, and indicate “In honor of Deborah Cochran” on the memo line.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
In Christ,





FBC Moderator



Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Worship

Worship on Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24, 4pm
Join us for this family-friendly hour of worship featuring special elements for children, a reading of the Christmas story, the music of organ and choir, and a Christmas Eve meditation by Pastor Julie. We’ll conclude the service with the lighting of congregational candles, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the light of the world.
Worship on Christmas Day  
Sunday, December 25, 11am
This year we celebrate on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Join us for this hour of joyful worship as we echo the angels’ song: Glory to God in the highest! And on earth peace, goodwill to all. Come as you are. (No Church School today.)


Wednesday Nights in December

Worship @ 7:00 on Nov. 30, Dec. 7 & 14
“Advent: The Pause that Heals Us”

November 30: Pausing for Love
December 7:  Pausing for Peace
December 14: Pausing for Hope (“Blue Christmas” service for those who grieve)
December 21: Carol Sing with Lon after supper in Fellowship Hall

Church Family Supper: 6 pm, every Wednesday night during Advent - Fellowship Hall
(November 30, December 7, 14, 21)
Prepared by Chef Laval. Cost of the meal is $8.00

Thanksgiving Eve Service—11/23 @ 6:30 pm

Dessert Social in the Parlor following worship

Join us in the Sanctuary the evening before Thanksgiving for a simple service of gratitude and praise. We’ll offer prayers and sing songs of thanksgiving. Pastor Julie will bring a Thanksgiving devotional message. Please bring a dessert to share.

Your Generosity Plan for 2017

October 19, 2016

Dear FBC Members and Friends,

These past weeks Pastor Julie has asked us to focus on how Christian generosity can shape our lives according to God's purposes—in our own lives and as members of the Body of Christ.

Through the sacrificial generosity of past FBC members and friends we, unlike many inner city churches, have survived financially. Many of those gifts were intended to provide for the upkeep and maintenance of our facilities so that congregational giving could be dedicated to supporting our ministries and missions. Among those gifts was the property on which the Drake apartment building now sits next door.

The good news is that the Drake's ground rent provides over $1 million per year of operating funds:  The not-so-good news is that after decades of deferred maintenance, the estimated cost of needed facility repairs and improvements now exceeds $6 million.  

More good news: Because of the Drake income, 100% of your gifts and offerings does go to support our ministries and missions.  More not-so-good news:  The Drake income is providing most of the financial resources devoted to those programs as well as building repairs, deferred maintenance and aesthetic improvements. This means we can only nibble away at meeting our critical building needs.

Fact:  Our current congregational giving covers only about 21% of our budgeted needs.

The 2016-2017 budget we courageously endorsed at our September 25th congregational meeting calls for a 12% increase in congregational giving. This challenging but doable

goal increases overall congregational giving to 24% of our budgeted needs. We have a promising start: Over the past six months our membership, worship attendance and giving have seen strong growth.

We know that a church's budget is the most concrete expression of its values, vision and priorities. To put it another way: Our budget is where the rubber meets the road. In our case, it’s the road on which Christ is leading us to become the church that serves God's purposes in our community and in the world. We need your support.

These past weeks Pastor Julie has asked us to allow Christian generosity to shape our lives. If each FBC member and friend gives gratefully and generously, we will meet this year's challenging giving goal and move confidently into the future God has prepared for us.

On Sunday, October 30, we will celebrate an “offering of financial commitments” in worship together. Will you take time to pray about your financial participation in what God is doing in and through First Baptist Church during the coming year?

And as an expression of your intention, will you please complete a commitment card indicating your financial commitment between now and December 2017?  Your pledge will remain confidential—whether you make it here online or use a paper card located in the pews, sanctuary welcome area, office area or fellowship hall. (If you pledge online or turn in a commitment card early, you’ll still receive a pledge card in your order of worship on October 30th that you may use as a symbol of your pledge during the offering of commitments.)

We believe that 2016-17 is poised to be a banner year in our history—for all kinds of wonderful reasons. Thank you for all that you mean to this congregation, and to the gospel of Christ.


Your Stewardship Committee:
  Dennis Lambert
  Rob Marus
  Rochelle Howard

   Mike Henson

Lucy Plovnick

Senior Pastor:
Julie Pennington-Russell

Thomas Pandolfi - Virtuoso Pianist 10/16 4pm

Thomas Pandolfi, virtuoso pianist, returns to FBC on Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 4pm. He will romance us with pieces by Russian composers like Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and many others. The finale will be a tribute to Marvin Hamlisch. The Washington Post said Thomas is a “Master of both the grand gesture and the sensual line… exquisite…exceptionally articulate.”

This free concert is a gift to the Washington community. A reception follows the performance. Valet parking provided. Bring your friends and neighbors.

About Thomas Pandolfi American pianist

THOMAS PANDOLFI is an exciting virtuoso who, with each passing season, is becoming more and more sought after by audiences worldwide, and showered with superlatives by critics for his passionate artistry and amazing technique.

Among his engagements during the 2015-16 season, were as guest soloist with The National Philharmonic, Ohio Valley Symphony, North Charleston Pops, Cheyenne Symphony, Maryland Symphony, Alexandria Symphony, Symphonicity, Amadeus Orchestra, McLean Orchestra and Frederick Symphony.

During 2016-17, he will also be guest soloist with The Paducah Symphony, the Charlotte Symphony (FL), and the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic. His recital touring schedule will take him across the United States on a twenty state tour. Thomas' international concerts have included those in China and Europe; last season, he also made his debut in British Columbia.

An outstanding cross-over artist, Thomas' virtuoso transcriptions of the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, Marvin Hamlisch, George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein are in much demand.

A graduate of The Juilliard School, Pandolfi earned both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees as a scholarship student. He is the proud father of a wonderful son and daughter, and resides in Washington, DC.

To keep informed of the latest updates, please visit

Follow Thomas:
Facebook: @ThomasPandolfiPianist
Twitter: @TPandolfiPiano

Worship Tonight @ 7:00 with National Baptist Memorial Church!

Join us tonight at 7pm for worship and fellowship with our friends just up the road as we celebrate with NBMC their 110th anniversary. Alex McKeithen and Lon Schreiber will offer music and Pastor Julie is bringing the message, “Paul, Barnabas and That Crazy Radio Station”.  NBMC is located 2 miles north of First Baptist, at the corner of 16th Street and Columbia Road (1501 Columbia Rd., NW). There is a small parking lot, plus street parking around the church. There is a reception after the worship service.

Alex McKeithen, Soloist (see video of past performance)

Alex McKeithen, Soloist (see video of past performance)

Pastor Julie, Preaching

Pastor Julie, Preaching

Rev. Kasey Jones, Pastor NBMC(Led Call to Worship at Pastor Julie's installation service)

Rev. Kasey Jones, Pastor NBMC
(Led Call to Worship at Pastor Julie's installation service)

Recap of the 9/25/16 Congregational Meeting

Dear Friends,

On September 25, 2016 we gathered in the Sanctuary immediately following the morning Worship Service to hold our congregational Quarterly Business Meeting. I am thrilled to announce several important items that the congregation considered and voted to approve during our meeting. All of these developments represent significant progress for FBC, and each one shows that FBC is taking considerable steps of faith. I am excited about where God is leading us.

First, in response to a motion brought jointly by our Associate Pastor Search Committee and our Personnel Committee, the congregation voted by an overwhelming majority to create the new position of Executive Pastor at FBC. As I explained in my letter to the congregation about a month ago, although the position of Executive Pastor is a new concept for FBC, this role has been around now in Baptist churches for about 40 years. The prevailing mission of an executive pastor is to help the church execute its vision. Vision-casting is not difficult. Execution of the vision is extremely difficult and often never comes to fruition because of the constant, day-to-day administrative and internal needs of the congregation. An executive pastor acts as a “second” to the senior pastor, freeing her or him up for the critical tasks of pastoring, shepherding, preaching and teaching. This new position will be a great addition to our FBC staff.

Second, based on the recommendation and motion of our Search Committee, the congregation voted (again, by an overwhelming majority) to call two new ministerial candidates: Rev. Charles L. Fuller as Executive Pastor, and Rev. Alyssa Aldape as Associate Pastor for Young Adult and Youth Ministries. You can read more information about Charlie and Alyssa here. Alyssa will join us at FBC in early November, and Charlie will start in January 2017. Please join me in welcoming them to our church family!





Also, please join me in thanking our fantastic Search Committee (Erik Smith, Chair, Mel Doxie, Ken Ellison, Allen Norfleet, Ellen Parkhurst, and Wilma Prince) for their hard work over the last two and a half years. At last, the work of the Search Committee has come to an end. Praise God! Also join me in thanking Denny Austin, Chair of the Personnel Committee, for all of his assistance with the call process.

Third, the congregation voted to approve the 2016-17 FBC Budget, which was prepared by our Stewardship Committee and our Treasurer, Mike Henson. The 2016-17 FBC budget includes salaries for all of our existing staff and the two new positions described above, includes a 14% increase in giving to missions, and makes some of our previously under-utilized special purpose and memorial funds come alive in a meaningful way. In conjunction with the budget approval, the congregation also voted separately in favor of a resolution brought by the FBC Trustees regarding the use of special purpose and memorial funds. I would like to extend my thanks to Dennis Lambert, Chair of the Stewardship Committee, Mike Henson, and the FBC Trustees (Ken Ellison, Becky Ellison, and Marvin Marceron) for all of their contributions to the budget preparation effort this year.

Fourth, the congregation selected Rev. Paul Clark and Rev. Dr. James Langley as our delegates representing FBC at the DCBC Annual Gathering, scheduled October 27-29, 2016.

Fifth, we heard an exciting presentation from Wil McBeath, Chair of the Property Management Committee, regarding early stage ideas for potential renovations and improvements to our church buildings. Wil’s presentation was a great opportunity to get all of us started thinking about some possible projects that could help us attract new members, make FBC more accessible to the neighborhood, and increase our own productivity and use of our facilities. Please send any thoughts, follow-up questions or feedback on the Property Management presentation via email to D’O Dillard at (and please include “FBC Renovations” in the subject line).

I am very excited about all of these developments and what they mean for us as a congregation. God is with us and continues to lead us forward. I hope you will join me in praying for our church as we continue on this path together.

In Christ,


Lucy Plovnick
FBC Moderator

Budget Proposal for 2016-17: A Bold Challenge for a Bold Vision

The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D. C.
Budget Proposal for 2016-17:  
A Bold Challenge for a Bold Vision

This balanced budget proposal reflects the prayerful collaboration among church officers, committee chairs, the Church Council and our senior pastor.  It proposes appropriate resources to meet our present operating needs, but more importantly it is intentional in moving us forward to be the church that Christ is calling us to become.  It proposes bold approaches to addressing the staffing we need to help us grow and support our congregation. It proposes initiatives to provide lay and ministerial staffing leadership development.  It is a proposal that challenges us.  It is a response to Jesus' call that each of us move courageously into the future.

Some Highlights:

Staffing Needs
Meeting our current and future pastoral needs is the boldest step taken in this budget. The increase in the ministerial staff budget provides:

  • Full funding for our senior pastor
    (this position was not funded in last year's budget because it had not yet been filled.)  
  • Funding for an Associate Pastor for Youth and Young Adults
    (to begin in the fall of 2016).
  • Funding for an Executive Pastor
    (at two-thirds time and salary; to begin January 1, 2017).  
  • Funding for our Associate Pastor for Children and Families,
    Deborah Cochran, who will return October 10th on a part-time basis
    (funding for that position has been adjusted accordingly).  

These critical pastoral resources will strengthen our outreach efforts; address the spiritual and life-stage needs of people in our congregation and community; provide strong support for our growing and active group of young adults; and provide essential daily support and continuity for lay and pastoral leadership.

Increased Funding for Missional Ventures
Our missions budget (now listed at the beginning of the budget and titled "Missional Ministries Beyond our Walls") increases by 14% ($8,000).  It provides $3000 in new support to be divided among eight new Baptist organizations and an additional $5000 for the proposed Cuba mission trip in 2017.  These proposals allow FBC to join with a number of Baptist groups addressing the cause of Christ here and abroad. They will open additional avenues of communication and participation for our congregation.

Leadership Development
The budget provides $14,500 in new funding for essential lay and staff leadership development. In addition, $27,790 is provided for ministerial staff professional development, training, participation in denominational events, and other learning opportunities that will strengthen their service to our congregation and the community we serve.

Funds for the Pastor Search Committee have been reduced from $15,000 to $600 because that committee has nearly completed its work. The Space for Ministry line has been eliminated to allow funding for more critical needs. Because Mosaic worship services end on September 24th (see the letter from Sam Hill -, related funds have been reduced.

This balanced budget proposal is an act of faith by past members who gave sacrificially to our Special Purpose Accounts and the FBC Foundation.  It is a leap of faith for the current congregation because it challenges us with about a 12% increase in congregational giving. Indeed, it responds to the call that we each put our hand to the plow and look to the future into which Jesus is leading us. 

With anticipation and hope,

Stewardship Committee      
     Dennis Lambert (chair)                            
     Rochelle Howard
     Rob Marus

     Mike Henson

     Lucy Plovnick        

Associate Pastor Search Committee Chair
     Erik Smith

Personnel Chair
     Denny Austin

Board of Trustees Chair
     Ken Ellison

Senior Pastor
     Julie Pennington-Russell






Meet Our Two New Ministers

UPDATE: On Sunday September 25th, Alyssa and Charlie were officially called to FBC by congregational vote. They have accepted the call and Alyssa will join us in November as Associate Pastor for Young Adult and Youth Ministries and Charlie will will be on the job in January as our Executive Pastor.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

With great excitement and anticipation, we announce to you our Search Committee’s candidates for Associate Pastor for Young Adult and Youth Ministries and Executive Pastor — Alyssa Aldape and Charlie Fuller. Below is biographical information about each, as well as the description of the newly created Executive Pastor position (you can also click here to download it).

This announcement represents seven months of prayer, strategic planning and belief that God is leading us to take bold steps of faith at this moment in FBC’s life. Our Moderator, Lucy Plovnick, prepared the way for this announcement three weeks ago in a letter to the congregation. Please read it here if you haven’t yet seen it

On Sunday, September 25, the congregation will vote on these two ministers. Please see the "Call Weekend" itinerary below.


Rev. Alyssa Aldape

Candidate for Associate Pastor for Young Adult and Youth Ministries


Alyssa is a child of Baptist missionaries and grew up in San Antonio, Texas and Pune, India.  While she lived in India, Alyssa had great opportunities to experience the country's rich cultural diversity through her parents' work with the Banjara people, a nomadic tribe.


“Hospitality has been a major theme in my faith story. As a child I would see my parents open our home to strangers, I would see them share our table with someone who needed a meal, and countless other subtle actions that made a huge impact on my life. When we moved to India, we were the strangers! And it was our turn to rely on the hospitality of others to welcome us into their community and lives. My years in India showed me the importance of mutual hospitality when it comes to sharing our Christian witness. When we find ourselves in the position of losing some of our power or control, it often makes us open ourselves to something bigger in God's world.”


Alyssa earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama (2011) and a Master of Divinity degree from Mercer’s McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta (2015).


Every year since college, Alyssa has helped to lead a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship summer retreat for teenage children of missionaries. She has a passion for working with youth and their families as they navigate this time in their lives. During her seminary years, as the youth minister at Northside Drive Baptist Church, Alyssa taught and offered pastoral care for youth and their families, preached and participated in worship leadership and led various church meetings. It was at Northside Drive that she fell more deeply in love with the local church as she learned about liturgical tradition, the beautiful rhythm of the lectionary and the need for a community to worship together, “even when we don't agree on everything.”

Currently Alyssa is a Baptist Joint Committee Fellow and is Secretary of the Religious Liberty Council for the BJC. She also is a leader in the New Baptist Covenant, a movement first convened in 2007 by former President Jimmy Carter to bring Baptists together in our pursuit of unity and justice on the local and national scale.

Alyssa on the Church

“What I love about serving the local church is the tapestry of people around me who come together to worship a loving God. In the midst of a highly polarized world that tells us that if don't agree we are enemies, church is where we practice finding God together and in that quest, peace. What I love about the church is that there isn’t one, single model for doing this, and so together we get to think creatively about what God is up to in our community and dream about the unique ways we can join God in the work.” 


Rev. Dr. Charles L. Fuller

Candidate for Executive Pastor

Charlie and Cindy Fuller

Charlie and Cindy Fuller


Charlie hails from Little Rock, Arkansas. A life-long Baptist, he grew up as a part of the Park Hill Baptist Church in North Little Rock. 

Charlie spent all his growing up years in North Little Rock where his 95-year-old mom still lives.  He and Cindy met during their college days at Baylor and have been partners in ministry ever since.  They have two adult daughters who live in Seattle, WA and Plano, TX.  They also have three grandchildren who are all 3 years of age and under who give them incredible joy.

Faith Story

Charlie’s faith story starts with the nurture of a deeply loving church that raised him in faith.  As an adolescent he claimed that faith and began a journey with Jesus that has both informed and empowered a life of ministry.  He is deeply curious and constantly open to new ways of experiencing and expressing his faith.  He has tried to live out a call to ministry since he was young, but is now living out his calling as a “2nd career” minister, a calling that is expressed in his deep love for people and a desire to walk beside them on their own journeys.


Charlie earned a Bachelor of Music Education from Baylor (1979), a Master of Music in Choral Conducting from West Texas State University (1981), a Doctor of Music Arts from Arizona State University (1989), a Master of Divinity from George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor (2010) and a Doctor of Ministry from the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (2015). He has completed two units of Clinical Pastoral Education and served as an Oncology Chaplain at Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock. He also earned a certificate from The Fund Raising School of Indiana University and holds the Associate Certified Coach credential with the International Coach Federation.


Charlie spent much of his “first” working life as a teacher and professor of music at high schools and universities in Arkansas, Texas and Arizona, and served for three years as Dean of the School of Fine Arts at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. In 2010, after completing his M.Div. at Truett Seminary, Charlie joined the staff of Second Baptist Church in Little Rock as Minister for Congregational Life. He also served Second Baptist as Interim Administrative Pastor from 2012-13.

Charlie on the Church

“I love God’s church. I’ve served the church in various capacities since I was 19 years old. The church isn’t a building or an institution.  It’s a movement, the very presence of God moving among God’s creation.”




  • 11am – 3pm
    Charlie and Alyssa join us for the annual Church Picnic at Rock Creek Park.  
    (Youth: this is a great chance to hang out with Alyssa!)
  • 5pm
    Alyssa and Charlie attend Mosaic.


  • 9:30-10:30am
    Congregational Q & A with Charlie and Alyssa in Fellowship Hall.    
  • 11am
    Alyssa and Charlie serve as leaders in worship
  • After worship
    Church votes on new candidates (as well as the Executive Pastor position and 2016-17 budget) in our quarterly congregational meeting. Lunch will be served.