Church Fall Fellowship, Sat, Oct 21, 11:30am-3:00pm

Our annual gathering in Rock Creek Park is fast approaching! Since the grill at site #24 is not the best (and the Park Service doesn’t allow personal grills in the park) this year FBC will provide cold cuts and fried chicken, accompanied by breads, condiments, beverages, plates, cups, napkins and cutlery. Attendees are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Please tell us your coming (and how many are coming with you) so we’ll be sure to have enough food -- we don’t want anyone to go home hungry. We’ll also have games available, so come join the fun! Questions? Contact D’O Dillard at

Directions: From 16th Street NW, turn into Rock Creek Park on Morrow Drive NW. Bear to the left for about 100 yards, toward the William H. G. FitzGerald Tennis Center (stadium with blue seats). Picnic site #24 is the first site on the right, across from the Tennis Center. Please park in the adjacent lot. MetroBus Lines S2 and S4 stop at 16 Street NW and Morrow Drive NW.  
(Google maps link) 

First Glance - Sundays - Oct. 22-Nov. 12 9:30-10:30AM

First Glance
(room 315; from the O Street welcome area, take elevator to 3rd floor)

October 22 – November 12
A four-week orientation to fbc for newcomers and new members*

  • Facilitated by FBC pastors and lay leaders
  • Meet others who are new to First Baptist (within the past year or so)
  • Hear a little about our church’s 215-year history, as well as distinctive features of the Baptist stream of Christianity
  • Have conversations about what it means to walk in the way of Jesus 
  • Share from your own experiences with God
  • Bonus: enjoy some excellent coffee and breakfast nibbles!

*Can’t be there all four Sundays? No worries; join us as often as you can.

Please RSVP here (this will help us in our planning and coffee-making!)

Fill out my online form.

Pianist Christopher Schmitt in Recital October 15, 4pm


Christopher is the pianist in the “President’s Own” US Marine Chamber Orchestra. His program features works by Beethoven, Rachmaninoff and Ravel.

Performance in the Sanctuary. 

A reception follows the performance; complimentary valet parking available.  

More about Christopher at

The CenturyMen In Concert on Wednesday, Oct 11 @ 7pm

You may be wondering, “Who in the world are The CenturyMen?”  Well, let me tell you. The CenturyMen is a group of music ministers from across the country who gather together once a year for a concert tour or a recording project. They are professional musicians with graduate degrees in music who audition to be a part of the group. They were one of the first groups to gain entrance to China back in the late 70’s and have performed literally around the world. They once performed for the Dove Awards and in April 2016 they performed across the island of Cuba building relationships with the churches and church musicians there.

Their accompanist is Joseph Joubert. Joseph plays for numerous projects across New York including Broadway and television as well as traveling across the country as a guest soloist with various orchestras. He has been music director, conductor, and orchestrator for various Broadway musicals including, “Motown the Musical” and “The Color Purple.” On this year’s tour, Joseph will play a pre-concert of selections from his newest recording.

Their guest soloist is the accomplished lyric soprano, Renee Joubert, who specializes in a variety of musical styles. Their organist is our own Cindy Fuller.

This is quite an accomplished group of musicians. And I get to be their music director and conductor.

An important part of the story of The CenturyMen is that they pay their own way for every one of our projects. No one gets a salary. Their motivation is the privilege of sharing the gospel in song across the world. The expenditure of time, energy, and money from each and every one of them is substantial. It’s always a privilege to get to hear a CenturyMen concert. The members of The CenturyMen actually pay out of their pockets to come and sing.

On October 11, The CenturyMen will present a concert for us at 7pm. I hope you’ll brave the traffic and make it in to hear some incredible music. The CenturyMen only tour once a year. Every tour focuses on a different part of the country. It may be ten or twenty years before The CenturyMen return to our area. You’ll not want to miss it!

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Charlie Fuller
FBCDC Executive Pastor
CenturyMen Music Director and Conductor

“What’s Your Story?” Young Adult Retreat - Sept 22-23

Young adults are invited to spend a day away from the city hustle and lean into a small sabbath in the woods. We'll get to know one another through sharing our stories and the ways we've seen God at work in our lives. Join us! September 22-23, 2017 We leave Friday evening and return Saturday night. The cost is $25. RSVP by September 8th below. Contact Pastor Alyssa for more information.

August Forum 2017: Faith & Action

Sundays in August  •  9:30-10:30  • Breakfast starting at 9:00  •  Fellowship Hall

I will show you my faith by my actions.
— James 2:18

This year during the month of August, we will examine some of the most complex global issues of our day through the lens of Scripture and ask together, “How does my faith in Christ direct my actions?” 

August 6:

Contemplative Grounding for Healing the World
Margaret Benefiel, PhD., Executive Director, The Shalem Institute, Washington, D.C.

“Marches. Online petitions. Letters to the editor. Am I doing any good? I ask myself. Am I making a difference? Is there another way? In the face of injustice, wars, and humanity’s inhumanity to humanity, I long to be faithful to doing my part to heal the world. This session will focus on contemplative grounding for healing the world.”

Margaret became executive director of the Shalem Institute in July 2015. Prior to coming to Shalem, she ran her own consulting, speaking, training, and coaching business, Executive Soul, helping leaders and organizations nurture their souls and express their deepest values institutionally. At the same time, she taught as adjunct faculty at Andover Newton Theological School in the area of contemplative leadership. Margaret is a Quaker and holds a B.A. in History from Princeton University, an M.A. in Mathematics from Portland State University, an M.A. in Theology from Earlham School of Religion, and a PhD in Spirituality from Catholic University of America. She has written extensively on various aspects of contemplative leadership and spirituality at work, including The Soul of Supervision; The Soul of a Leader: Finding Your Path to Fulfillment and Success; and Soul at Work: Spiritual Leadership in Organizations.

August 13:

Christians and Muslims in Relationship
Rev. Steven D. Martin, Director of Communications and Development, National Council of Churches USA

“After I made my first film in 2001 entitled, “Muslims in Appalachia,” I have been concerned with the beautiful people that make up the Muslim community, both their rich life and culture, and the dangers they face as America becomes more anxious. In this session I will bring my perspective on my experiences with Muslims around the world and how the teachings of Jesus have shaped my work with this community.”

Steven has served United Methodist Churches as pastor for twenty years and is a graduate of Candler School of Theology. He brings his expertise in theology, the intersection of faith and politics, and media production to bear upon today’s most challenging problems. He has produced several films for public television, including Muslims in Appalachia; Islam in America After September 11th; Theologians Under Hitler; God With US: Baptism and the Jews in the Third Reich; Elisabeth of Berlin; and most recently, Islam in America: The Christian Truth. His writing has appeared in America’s top national media outlets including the Washington Post and USA Today. He speaks frequently at churches, seminaries, and conventions across the US.

August 20

Religious Liberty Based on Compassion
Rev. Charles Watson Jr., Education and Outreach Specialist, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty

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"My theology didn't have an answer for why children were dying. As a chaplain intern at Children's Hospital of Atlanta, I wept, prayed and mourned with families at the lowest point of their lives. I learned that the pain didn't care about the religion of the family, but that their faith was sometimes their only hope. In this session I will explain why compassion should compel us all to be religious liberty advocates."

Charles Watson Jr. is the Education and Outreach Specialist of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty in Washington, D.C. His work is focused on expanding the base of support for religious liberty and engaging the next generation of advocates. A graduate of The Citadel, Watson earned a Master of Divinity degree at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology. He previously served as the Children’s Director of Buckhead Baptist Church in Atlanta and as a hospice chaplain resident, endorsed by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Watson is a veteran of the United States Air Force.

August 27

Sitting With the Trauma of Racism
Rev. LeDayne Polaski, Executive Director, Bautistas Por La Paz (Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America)

“I came to an interest in trauma through my interest in conflict transformation. Unaddressed traumatic experiences underlie much of the painful conflict we experience. As I have delved further into antiracism work, I have become convinced that White America's unwillingness to acknowledge and address trauma is at the heart of the US's seeming inability to move forward on issues of race and racism. In this session we'll explore why and how we might sit with our trauma and that of others long enough to be transformed and changed.”

LeDayne became BPFNA's Executive Director in 2015, having served the organization in a variety of roles since 1998. A life-long Carolinian, she is a graduate of Furman University in Greenville, where her commitment to issues of peace and justice began. She received an M.Div. in 1993 from the Divinity School at Duke University in Durham, NC, and was ordained in Durham at Watts Street Baptist Church. LeDayne and her husband, Tom, a professor of mathematics at Winthrop University, are active members of Park Road Baptist Church in Charlotte. 

Leadership Workshop Leads to Action Steps for FBC 

On Saturday, June 3, twenty-five leaders at FBC gathered in Fellowship Hall for the second of two workshops, facilitated Geoff Abbott and Mark Nishan, designed to help us clarify our vision and mission. Participants included 9 deacons, our Deacon Chair, Moderator and pastoral staff, as well as representatives from our support staff, choir and every committee at FBC. The group participated in a variety of exercises aimed at describing our present state, clarifying our desired future state, and identifying action steps as we move forward. Here is a summary of outcomes:

What we want to be known for

  • A vibrant church in which lives are transformed
  • A reflection of the kingdom of God
  • Hospitality; openness and visibility in our community
  • Service
  • Joy
  • Being missional; participation in our community
  • Love

Commonly-Held Values

  • Biblical grounding
  • Communication/Authenticity/Healthy Conflict Resolution
  • Hospitality/Love of Christ/Diversity
  • Creativity/Risk-Taking
  • Strategic Service/Teamwork/Intentional Apprenticing
  • Intimacy with God/Spiritual Growth/Intentional Worship

 “Critical Few” Action Steps for the near future

  • Each week--FBC folk intentionally engage at least 1 person at church whom they don’t know
  • Identify gifts and talents among the congregation
  • Create a newcomer hospitality team
  • Continue to refine and simplify governance to help us live by our values
  • Plan 3 new opportunities for spiritual growth/biblical grounding for this fall
  • Broaden our missional footprint; find ways to participate in or support creative missional endeavors
  • Get to know our neighborhood and help them get to know us
  • Promote intentional apprenticing by encouraging committees to elect now a chair for this year and a chair-elect for next year
  • Embed FBC values/aspirations into the work of all committees, teams, ministry groups and staff

Sincere thanks to Denny Austin who first suggested these workshops in the spring of 2016, and recommended his friends, Mark and Geoff. And thanks to all who participated in one or both gatherings. Our two days together are already yielding fruit. I’m eager to see what else grows at FBC in the months and years ahead.
Peace and grace,




Julie Pennington-Russell
Senior Pastor

Raul Prieto Ramirez Organ Concert at FBC 6/18 4pm

Sunday, June 18th 2017 at 4 p.m.

Free and open to the public

A Gift to the Community


Described by critics as “fearless, exciting, sizzling,” an organist who “instantly connected with the audience” and for whom “[the] audience rose to its feet with applause at every opportunity.”

Find out more about Raul at:

Summer of Fun

Make New Friends at FBC this Summer!

Once again this summer, the Christian Ed. Committee is organizing opportunities for connecting with one another (while having fun!). Everyone is welcome to all events. The FBC pastors were the first to sign up to host. 

Would you still like to host something (group outings, activities, classes, etc.) during the Summer of Fun? Contact Lucy Plovnick, at 

Friday, September 15, 7:05pm
Washington Nationals vs. L. A. Dodgers

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Join Pastor Charlie at Nats Park. ESPN is broadcasting the Nationals’ game on Sunday, September 17, so game time has changed to 8:00 pm. Our tickets have been changed to Friday, September 15th at 7:05pm. As of 8/24, we only have THREE tickets remaining for our annual outing to see the Nats take on the Dodgers. Tickets are $32 each and must be purchased by August 31. Questions? Contact D’O Dillard at

----------- PAST EVENTS ------------

Tuesday, August 22, 7:30pm
U.S. Navy Band Concert @ the Navy Memorial

Eight folks joined Kate Campbell for a free U.S. Navy Band concert on Tuesday, Aug. 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the U.S. Navy Memorial. The program included jazz, rock, show tunes, country and traditional hymns and features the Navy Ceremonial Guard and Drill Team. The memorial is on Pennsylvania Avenue NW, between 7th and 9th streets, next to the Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter Metro station. The band's website is

Saturday, August 12, 6pm
Wine & Cheese on the Rooftop

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We joined Rochelle Howard on Saturday night, August 12 for wine and cheese on the rooftop of the General Scott Building at 1 Scott Circle NW, Washington, D.C.  We enjoyed some great fellowship as we watched the sunset over a panoramic view of the nation's capital (along with the coming storm and downpour).

Saturday, August 5, 6pm
Game Night in Columbia Heights

A casual game night at Kelly Dunlap's home in Columbia Heights was enjoyed by a group of 7. We had a variety of games and folks brought their favorite games. Delicious light snacks were provided.

Friday, July 21, 6pm
Dinner & The Capitol Steps

Over 10 folks joined Lucy Plovnick on Friday night, July 21 for dinner followed by a live performance by The Capitol Steps, a comedy troupe that has been performing musical political satire here in Washington, D.C. for more than 30 years. They put the “Mock” in Democracy!  For more information about The Capitol Steps, check out their website Tickets to the 7:30pm performance were $33.00 per person for those attending as a part of our FBC group.  Before the show, we met up with Lucy in the Food Court in the Ronald Reagan Building for dinner from 6pm to 7pm. Information on the Ronald Reagan Building Food Court can be found here

"A great, hilarious time last night with FBCDC friends: Dinner and a performance by the Capitol Steps."

Sunday, July 9, 5:30-8:45pm
Basilica Organ Concert & Dinner in Brookland

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We Met Pastor Julie at 5:30pm on the front steps of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Brookland neighborhood in D.C.), on Sunday evening, July 9. We heard Russian organist Marina Omelchenko perform a free recital at 6pm in the Great Upper Church, then walked to a nearby restaurant in Brookland for dinner together. Read more about the Basilica here.

Friday, June 23, 5-8:30pm
Blues Singer Juanita Williams @ the Sculpture Garden, National Gallery of Art

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Pastor Alyssa hosted a group on Friday night, June 23, for “Jazz in the Garden” at the National Gallery. The concert was by critically acclaimed Blues/Jazz/Gospel singer Juanita Williams and was free to the public. (The Pavilion Café was open with a special menu of appetizers, entrees, salads and drinks.) Read more about Jazz in the Garden here.

Leadership & Vision Workshop: Part Two | Saturday, June 3 | 10am-3pm

Fill out my online form.

FBC is hosting Part Two of our congregational Leadership & Vision Workshop (the initial workshop took place last October). Mark Nishan and Geoff Abbott from the SEC College of Leadership Development are returning to facilitate our exploration of shared Christian values which will inform the Vision and Mission of our Church, as well as work we will do as a congregation.

The workshop is set for Saturday, June 3rd, from 10am to 3pm in Fellowship Hall. Refreshments and a light lunch will be served.

Remember – these workshops are not just for “official” church leaders. ALL who call First Baptist their church home, who care about how we align our works with God’s dreams for us, are invited to attend:

  • If you attended the first workshop, please plan to participate! We need your continuity.

  • If you could not attend last fall for any reason, please plan to participate! We need your ideas.

  • If you are new to the FBC congregation, please plan to participate! We need to get to know one another and learn together.

Workshop Leaders

Geoff Abbott

Geoff Abbott

Geoff Abbott and his family have been members of St. Paul United Methodist Church in Woodbridge, VA for over 18 years.  Geoff has been a past chair of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee and member of United Methodist Men.

Mark Nishan

Mark Nishan

Mark Nishan and his family have been members of St John Neumann Catholic parish in Gaithersburg for over 19 years. Mark has been lector for all 19 years and does regular readings from the Bible at a number of church services. He and his wife, Mary are lead members of the church’s’ Capital Campaign Committee which recently raised $2.5 million for church improvements and buildings. Mark and Mary also head the parish welcoming committee for new parishioners joining the church.

Pray for Passport MissionBASE Camp

We continue to pray for Passport Camps as they and us prepare to host them for the summer  (June 25 - July 28, 2017). Below is a look at their rigorous daily schedule for the summer. Groups will arrive at 1pm on Mondays and leave after lunch on Fridays. Needless to say we will pray for their endurance and rest! 

MissionBASE Schedule
2017 at FBC Washington, DC

Sunday (Opening Day)
1:00 p.m.     Staff Check-In Meeting
2:00 p.m.     Check-In begins
4:30 p.m.     Kitchen Crew Meets
5:00 p.m.     Dinner
6:00 p.m.     Welcome and Orientation
                         Youth and Adult Mission Project Training
7:45 p.m.      Ice Cream Break
8:00 p.m.     Vespers: Prayer Walk and Commissioning
8:45 p.m.      Church Group Devotions
10:00 p.m.    Settle In
10:30 p.m.     Lights Out

Monday-Thursday (Days 1–4) Mornings
6:30 a.m.     Wake Up
6:45 a.m.     Breakfast Kitchen Crew Meets
7:00 a.m.     Breakfast & Make Lunch
7:30 a.m.     Cleaning Crews
7:30 a.m.     Adult Meeting
7:45 a.m.     Kitchen Crew Clean up
8:00 a.m.     Morning Devotion
8:30 a.m.     Depart for Mission Sites
9:00 a.m.     Staff Meeting and Staff Devotion
10:00 a.m.    Visit Mission Sites - spend one hour at sites
                        • Travel in pairs
                        • Lunch at sites or with staff
12:00-3p.m.  Staff personal work time, shower, rest, etc.

Monday (Day 1) Afternoon – Game Night
3:00-15 p.m.     Arrive back at Church
3:15 p.m.     Showers, Rest, Free Time
5:00 p.m.     Kitchen Crew
5:30 p.m.     Dinner
6:15 p.m.     Family Group
7:30 p.m.     Evening Activities - Game Night!
8:30 p.m.     Vespers
9:00 p.m.     Church Group Devotions
10:30 p.m.     Lights out

Tuesday (Day 2) Afternoon – Field Trip
2:30 p.m.     Mission Sites End
3:00 p.m.     Groups depart for Field Trip
3:30 p.m.     Field Trip
5:30 p.m.     Dinner & Church Group Devotions
7:30 p.m.     Return to church
8:30 p.m.     Family Groups
9:15 p.m.     Vespers
10:30 p.m.     Lights out

Wednesday (Day 3) Afternoon – Free Night
3:00-15 p.m.     Arrive back at Church
3:15 p.m.     Showers, Rest, Free Time
3:30 p.m.    Vespers
4:15 p.m.     Free time begins
9:30 p.m.     Curfew for groups to return to host church
10:00 p.m.     Church Group Devotions
10:30 p.m.     Lights out

Thursday (Day 4) Afternoon - Celebration
3:00-15 p.m.     Arrive back at Church
3:15 p.m.     Showers, Rest, Free Time
5:00 p.m.     Kitchen Crew
5:30 p.m.     Dinner
6:15 p.m.     Large Group Game
7:00 p.m.     Family Group and prep for Celebration/Vespers
8:00 p.m.     Celebration
8:45 p.m.     Vespers
9:30 p.m.     Church Group Devotions
10:30 p.m.    Lights out

Friday (Closing Day)
7:00 a.m.     Breakfast
8:00 a.m.     Clean, Pack & Load Luggage
9:00 a.m.     Benediction and Departure
10:00 a.m.    End of Session Meeting & Lunch

Deacon Ministry at First Baptist Church

The word "deacon" comes from the Greek word diakonos, which means "servant." There are many references to deacons in the early church. Deacon ministry was developed in response to specific needs within the corporate life of the church itself, and its inspiration was no less the example of Christ himself, who "came not to be served but to serve". 

At First Baptist Church, deacons are actively engaged in the mission of the church. They promote peace, reconciliation and the spirit of cooperation and unity in this body. They model the ministry of presence by their regular participation in worship and in other events in the life of the church. They offer pastoral care and help lead in worship. They are faithful in their financial support of the Church. They participate in diaconate meetings and training events. As a foundational priority, deacons endeavor to follow Jesus Christ themselves through personal practices of discipleship.

If a person has been nominated to serve as a deacon and is prayerfully considering deacon service, he or she might consider the following questions:

  • Am I actively following Jesus in my daily living?
  • Am I able and willing to come alongside a handful of assigned families and/or individuals as their “care deacon”? 
  • Do I care about befriending people who feel disconnected from God or church?
  • Am I passionate about helping our congregation to discern and fulfill God’s mission for us?
  • Am I a peacemaker in troubled situations? Do I refrain from gossip?
  • Am I eager to play a part in mobilizing our entire congregation for ministry?
  • Would I be comfortable for others to view me as a spiritual leader? 
  • Would I be comfortable for others to view me as a servant?
  • Am I prepared to be a leader at FBCDC in the area of financial stewardship?
  • Is God calling me to invest myself in deacon service for the next 3 years—and possibly to set aside some other activities in my life in order to do so?

Process for Electing New Deacons @ FBC

On April 23, 2017, immediately following the worship service, First Baptist Church members will be asked to submit the names of six church members you believe would serve the church well as deacons. Nominees, as well as those nominating, must be full members of FBC. A copy of the current FBC directory is available in the Library and in the Narthex.

This selection of deacons is to fill terms ending in 2017, 2018, and 2019.  A ballot will be provided in the Sunday worship folder on April 23. Absentee voting is permitted by sending your nominations to FBC by regular mail in a sealed envelope with your signature over the seal, or by email to  Absentee nominations must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2017. 

Individuals not eligible for election as new deacons:

Deacons currently completing their term of service: Jean Bell, Paul Clark, Stan Hastey, Rob Marus and Janice Osborn.

Deacons currently serving terms of service ending in 2018 and 2019:  Zena Aldridge, Rod Coates; Mike Henson; Kate Campbell; Sadye Doxie; Erik Smith; Rose Smith.

Life Deacons:  Mel Doxie, Adrian Harward, Steve Netcott, and Ellen Parkhurst.

After worship on April 23, the Deacon Selection Committee, composed of Rod Coates, Rob Marus and Janice Osborn will tally all nominations and begin reaching out to nominees, beginning with those who received the highest number of nominations. 

March 5: Furman Singers in Worship at FBC

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Furman Singers is recognized as one of America’s premier collegiate choirs, touring annually throughout the Southeastern United States. Over its 70-year history, the Furman Singers has achieved a national and international reputation for choral excellence. Beginning in 1974, biennial summer concert tours abroad have taken Furman Singers to many of the great churches and cathedrals of Europe. Under the direction of Dr. Hugh Floyd, the Singers have performed in Austria and the Czech Republic, England, Wales, Ireland and Germany.