March 19, 2023 | Seeking: Who Sinned?

Pastor Julie continues the Lenten sermon series, Seeking: honest questions for deeper faith. This week's message is titled “Who Sinned?”

When it comes to faith, sometimes there are unhelpful questions—questions formed by assumptions. Questions that lead to judgment and/or isolation. When Jesus and the disciples encounter a blind man along the way, the disciples ask, “Teacher, whose sins—this man's or his parents'—caused him to be born blind?" (John 9:2). This unhelpful question assumes that illness and disability are the result of sin. It assumes that the man deserves to be born blind. It assumes that physical blindness is a form of failure.

How might this story have unfolded had more helpful questions been asked? This week, with the Spirit's help, let us pay attention to the questions we ask and the assumptions we carry.

Message Text: John 9:1-41