March 5, 2023 | Seeking: How do we begin again?

The story of Nicodemus who asks the essential question: what does it mean to start over? Nicodemus comes to Jesus under the veil of night to ask him big faith questions. As a leader of Jewish law, Nicodemus holds beliefs that no longer align with the kingdom of God Jesus embodies. Jesus invites him to begin again, to learn a new way of knowing and living out his faith. In Genesis, God commands Abram and Sarai to leave everything—their home, their family, their land—to seek the land of Canaan and begin again. At 75 years old, Abram is called to start over, but through this new beginning, God creates a new family and a new nation. Like Nicodemus, what are the questions we ask in the dark? Like Abram and Sarai, how do we follow God’s calling to begin again?