June 9 2024 | Kasey Jones | God is Faithful

This week we continue the summer sabbatical series, “One True Thing.” Our guest proclaimer will be Kasey Jones. She will be delivering the message titled, “God is Faithful.” The sermon text will be 1 Kings 19:1-10. Accompanying passages will be 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 and Luke 12:22-31.

Rev. Kasey Jones serves as the Associate Coordinator of Outreach and Growth for Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s (CBF) global office. The work brings together her organizing and ministry experience to help build God’s kingdom in more inclusive way by providing leadership to CBF’s racial justice and equity work.

Reverend Jones values and understands the importance of collaborative work between individuals and organizations. At her core, she believes both the faith community and local community are at their best when they work together cooperatively. Consequently, she has served on the local and national level for various Baptist bodies. She has served as an officer and national moderator to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The Baptist World Alliance chose her to participate in its Emerging Leaders Network. The Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention invited her to participate in their Pastoral Excellence Program.

Rev. Jones received her Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. and her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Howard University in Washington, DC.

In 2006, she became the first woman and African American to serve as Senior Pastor of National Baptist Memorial Church in Washington, DC where she served for nearly 12-years.

Prior to pursuing a call to ministry, Rev. Kasey Jones worked for more than 15+ years as a community organizer and advocate. She brings this background to her call in the form of expertise in program planning, community service, and advocacy work with both sacred and secular institutions at the local, national, and global levels. In all this work, she most enjoys developing initiatives that cultivate and challenge youth, adults, and seniors to use their individual and collective abilities to transform institutions and communities.