June 9 2024 | Kasey Jones | God is Faithful

This week we continue the summer sabbatical series, “One True Thing.” Our guest proclaimer will be Kasey Jones. She will be delivering the message titled, “God is Faithful.” The sermon text will be 1 Kings 19:1-10. Accompanying passages will be 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 and Luke 12:22-31.

Rev. Kasey Jones serves as the Associate Coordinator of Outreach and Growth for Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s (CBF) global office. The work brings together her organizing and ministry experience to help build God’s kingdom in more inclusive way by providing leadership to CBF’s racial justice and equity work.

Reverend Jones values and understands the importance of collaborative work between individuals and organizations. At her core, she believes both the faith community and local community are at their best when they work together cooperatively. Consequently, she has served on the local and national level for various Baptist bodies. She has served as an officer and national moderator to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The Baptist World Alliance chose her to participate in its Emerging Leaders Network. The Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention invited her to participate in their Pastoral Excellence Program.

Rev. Jones received her Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. and her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Howard University in Washington, DC.

In 2006, she became the first woman and African American to serve as Senior Pastor of National Baptist Memorial Church in Washington, DC where she served for nearly 12-years.

Prior to pursuing a call to ministry, Rev. Kasey Jones worked for more than 15+ years as a community organizer and advocate. She brings this background to her call in the form of expertise in program planning, community service, and advocacy work with both sacred and secular institutions at the local, national, and global levels. In all this work, she most enjoys developing initiatives that cultivate and challenge youth, adults, and seniors to use their individual and collective abilities to transform institutions and communities.

June 2 2024 | Amanda Tyler | Freedom to Love

Today we continue the summer sabbatical series, “One True Thing.” Our guest proclaimer will be Amanda Tyler. She will be delivering the message titled, “Freedom to Love.” The sermon text will be Galatians 5:1, 13-14. Accompanying passages will be Psalm 16 and John 15:9-17.

Amanda Tyler is executive director of BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty), leading the organization as it upholds the historic Baptist principle of religious liberty: defending the free exercise of religion and protecting against its establishment by government. She is the lead organizer of BJC’s Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign and co-host of BJC’s Respecting Religion podcast.

Tyler is the author of How to End Christian Nationalism, which will be published by Broadleaf Books on October 22, 2024.

May 26 2024 | Eric Mathis | One True Thing | Resurrection is Real

Today in worship, we continue the sabbatical sermon series One True Thing. In this sermon series, guest preachers are drawing from biblical texts that have deeply influenced their lives. This week’s preacher is Pastor Eric, preaching a message from Romans 8:31-39, titled Resurrection is Real. Supplemental texts are 1 Corinthians 15:12-22 and Matthew 28:1-10.

May 19 2024 | Pentecost Worship: Chuck Poole | Concerning the Wind of The Spirit

Today is Pentecost Sunday. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit empowered believers in Jesus to praise God in many languages that they had not learned in the ordinary way. On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the multilingual, multicultural, multiracial mission of the church—a community in which all peoples are drawn together by God’s love in Christ.

This morning our guest proclaimer will be Rev. Dr. Charles “Chuck” Poole. He will be delivering the message titled, “Concerning the Wind of the Spirit.” The sermon text will be Acts 2:1-21. Accompanying passages will be Psalm 104:24-34, 35b and John 20:19-22.

Dr. Poole is a sought-after preacher and theologian who retired in 2022 from forty-five years of pastoral life, during which he served churches in Georgia, North Carolina, Washington DC, and Jackson, Mississippi. He was the sixteenth Senior Pastor of The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington from 1995-1997. 

Chuck has served as a visiting preacher and teacher on the campuses of Mercer University, Furman University, The Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, The Baptist House of Studies at Duke University, The McAfee School of Theology, Campbell University, Mississippi College, Gardner-Webb University and the Wake Forest University School of Divinity. He was the founding teacher of the Wood Street Bible Class in Jackson, which he led for twenty-one years.

The author of nine books, numerous published articles, one gospel song, and the lyrics to three hymns, Chuck has served as a “minister on the street”, and as an advocate for interfaith conversation and welcome.

Chuck and Marcia now live in Birmingham, where Chuck serves on the staff of Together for Hope. Marcia and Chuck have a son, Joshua, a daughter, Maria, and ten grandchildren.

May 12 2024 | The Powerful Pause: Pause to Be

Today in worship, Pastor Julie concludes the sermon series,The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath with a message from Ephesians 2:4-10, titled Pause to Be. As Pastor Julie prepares to step away for her sabbatical, we will commission her and commit ourselves to the work of the church.

Worship, and the sermon, will remind us that who we are before God and who we are becoming before God outweighs and outlasts anything that we do. The invitation to all of us on Sunday will be: “Don’t let your work be your whole life. Be alive to the people around you. Be alive to your own soul. And be alive to God. Let who you are be so much more than what you do.” Supplemental texts are Psalm 23 and Matthew 11:28-30.

May 5 2024 | The Powerful Pause: Pause for Perspective

Today in worship, Pastor Julie continues the sermon series,The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath with a message from Matthew 14:10, 12-23, titled Pause for Perspective.

Jesus showed us the holy rhythm of advance and retreat; of stepping in, then stepping away. Setting aside the time and space for silence, contemplation, and prayer is the source of Jesus’ discernment, freedom from other people’s agenda, and capacity to speak and act in profound ways. Supplemental texts are Psalm 55:1-8 and Ephesians 3:14-21.

April 28 2024 | The Powerful Pause: Pause to Pay Attention

Today in worship, Pastor Julie continues the sermon series,The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath with a message from Exodus 3:1-12, titled Pause to Pay Attention.

In the story of Moses and the burning bush, Moses is willing to see, to pay attention to something that’s inviting him to deviate from his plans. God invites us to be fully present in whatever moment we happen to be. Supplemental texts are Matthew 6:24-34 and Philippians 4:4-9.

April 21, 2024 | The Powerful Pause: Pause to be Free

Today in worship, Pastor Julie continues her new sermon series,The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath with a message from Deuteronomy 5:6, 12-15.

Sabbath gives us the gift of freedom. A day of stopping is a day for us to know that we are in bondage to nothing in this world. When we keep a Sabbath, we’re practicing independence—at least for a day—from the frantic pace set by Wall Street, Washington, Hollywood, Amazon, and the culture around us. Supplemental texts are Luke 13:10-17 and Galatians 5:1-6, 13-14.

April 14, 2024 | The Powerful Pause: Pause Primer

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie begins a new sermon series,The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath with a message from Exodus 20:1-17, titled Pause Primer.

How astonishing that weekly rest and worship made it into God's list of Top Ten concerns. God’s good intention is that stopping, resting, and recalibrating be part of the regular rhythm of our living. Supplemental texts are Hebrews 4:1-11 and Mark 2:23-28.

April 7, 2024 | Breathing Out, Breathing In

Today in worship, Pastor Julie will preach the message "Breathing Out, Breathing In." Her message will focus on John 20:19-31. Supplemental texts are Psalm 133 and 1 John 1:1-2:2. In worship, we will take communion together, engage our Ministry Interest Survey, and collect a benevolence offering.

March 31, 2024 | Easter Sunday

Today we celebrate Christ’s resurrection with the flowered cross; the music of choir, organ, and brass; baptisms and communion; and a message of hope from Pastor Julie titled “Stronger Than Death.” Scripture passages are 1 Corinthians 13 and John 20:1-18. Enjoy conversation and refreshments at the after-worship reception on the 16th Street patio.

March 24, 2024 | Palm/Passion Sunday

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, which will mark the beginning of Holy Week. In this Palm Sunday service we will journey with Jesus as he is welcomed in triumph upon entering Jerusalem and then betrayed, rejected, and arrested. Scripture readings will be Matthew 21:1-11, John 18:1-12, and John 18:12-27.

Embedded in worship will be Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, presented as a musical offering by our Chancel Choir, soloists, and organist. While a requiem is a musical setting of texts that are associated with death, dying, mourning, and grief, Fauré's Requiem distinguishes itself from others in that its music is characterized by comfort, serenity, peace, and tranquility. This 30-minute work will help us mark the start of Holy Week and hold space for a range of emotions as we follow Christ into the darkest of places before resurrection morning.

March 17, 2024 | Wandering Heart: The Learner

In Matthew 18:15-22, Jesus teaches about community and repair. Peter, eager to learn, asks him a follow-up question. Jesus gives an expansive answer, emphasizing the abundance of forgiveness. This story shows the importance of asking questions and expanding our faith, especially when we’re comfortable not having all the answers and we’re open to seeing the world in more nuanced ways. Additional Scripture text is Psalm 119:9-16.

March 10, 2024 | Wandering Heart: The Hindrance

Today is the Fourth Sunday in the 40-day season of Lent. As we make our way together toward Easter, we are walking beside Simon Peter, one of Jesus’ most well-known disciples, who also has something of a wandering heart.  
In this morning's Gospel text, just moments after Jesus has praised Peter for his faith, saying, “You are the rock on which I’m going to build my church,” Jesus calls Peter Satan! (Ouch.) The text ends with Jesus’ invitation to the disciples and to us to take up our cross and follow the living Christ. 

Scripture passages are Matthew 16:21-23 and Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22.

March 3, 2024 | Wandering Heart: The Rock

Today marks the third Sunday in Lent. We will welcome the Furman Singers from Furman University, receive communion, and collect our first Sunday benevolence offering. Pastor Eric will offer a brief meditation in the continuing sermon series “Wandering Heart,” tracing the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most well-known disciples, Simon Peter. This week, Jesus refers to Simon Peter as “The Rock.” Scripture passages are Matthew 16:13-20 and Psalm 19.

February 25, 2024 | Wandering Heart: The Risk-Taker

This Sunday marks the second Sunday in Lent. Pastor Julie continues the sermon series “Wandering Heart,” tracing the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most well-known disciples, Simon Peter. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter we may see ourselves. This week’s scripture passages are Matthew 14:22-33 and Psalm 22:23-31.

As we worship together this Lenten season, you will notice some changes to our usual patterns in worship. In the spirit of adding a spiritual practice, we will add a rhythm of confessing our sins to God. In the spirit of giving something up, we will replace our usual Doxology with an alternative Doxology. These small changes will remind us that we are journeying together through a season that is about adding and subtracting in ways that point us toward familiar and fresh expressions of following Christ.

February 18, 2024 | Wandering Heart: The Skeptic

This Sunday marks the first Sunday in Lent. Pastor Julie begins the sermon series “Wandering Heart,” tracing the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most well-known disciples, Simon Peter. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter we may see ourselves. This week’s scripture passages are Luke 5:1-11 and Psalm 25:1-10.

As we worship together this Lenten season, you will notice some changes to our usual patterns in worship. In the spirit of adding a spiritual practice, we will add a rhythm of confessing our sins to God. In the spirit of giving something up, we will replace our usual Doxology with an alternative Doxology. These small changes will remind us that we are journeying together through a season that is about adding and subtracting in ways that point us toward familiar and fresh expressions of following Christ.

February 11, 2024 | Hush, Dear People, and Just Listen | Guest Preacher Paul Nixon

Today in worship, we welcome guest proclaimer Paul Nixon who will preach the message Hush, Dear People, and Just Listen based on Mark 9:2-9. Other lectionary texts are Psalm 50:1-6.

Paul is author of multiple books on Christian leadership in a fast-changing age. He is president of The Epicenter Group, a coaching and leadership development organization based in Washington DC. Epicenter coaches about 100 church leaders each year in North America and the UK.

Paul grew up in southern California and came to faith there. His work has taken him to 49 of 50 states, and several nations working with a wide array of Christian leaders. Today he serves part time on the staff of UMC of Palm Springs, even as he continues to keep an office presence in Washington DC.

A long-time friend of Pastor Julie, Paul preached at her installation in 2016. Paul’s husband, Justin Kan, will worship with FBC as well.

February 4, 2024 | Holy Rhythm

Do you ever feel as though you’re headed for a crash and burn—as though the pace of your life couldn’t get any faster? In this morning's sermon, Holy Rhythm, based on Mark 1:29-39, Jesus demonstrates this good news: that God made us to live and move to the holy rhythm of stepping in and stepping back, the cadence of advance and retreat. Additional Lectionary passages are Isaiah 40:21-31 and 1 Corinthians 9:16-23.