Leadership Workshop Leads to Action Steps for FBC


On Saturday, June 3, twenty-five leaders at FBC gathered in Fellowship Hall for the second of two workshops, facilitated by Geoff Abbott and Mark Nishan, designed to help us clarify our vision and mission. Participants included 9 deacons, our Deacon Chair, Moderator and pastoral staff, as well as representatives from our support staff, choir and every committee at FBC. The group participated in a variety of exercises aimed at describing our present state, clarifying our desired future state, and identifying action steps as we move forward. Here is a summary of outcomes:

What we want to be known for:

  • A vibrant church in which lives are transformed
  • A reflection of the kingdom of God
  • Hospitality; openness and visibility in our community
  • Service
  • Joy
  • Being missional; participation in our community
  • Love

Commonly-Held Values

  • Biblical grounding
  • Communication/Authenticity/Healthy Conflict Resolution
  • Hospitality/Love of Christ/Diversity
  • Creativity/Risk-Taking
  • Strategic Service/Teamwork/Intentional Apprenticing
  • Intimacy with God/Spiritual Growth/Intentional Worship

“Critical Few” Action Steps for the near future

  • Each week--FBC folk intentionally engage at least 1 person at church whom they don’t know
  • Identify gifts and talents among the congregation
  • Create a newcomer hospitality team
  • Continue to refine and simplify governance to help us live by our values
  • Plan three new opportunities for spiritual growth/biblical grounding for this fall
  • Broaden our missional footprint; find ways to participate in or support creative missional endeavors
  • Get to know our neighborhood and help them get to know us
  • Promote intentional apprenticing by encouraging committees to elect now a chair for this year and a chair-elect for next year
  • Embed FBC values/aspirations into the work of all committees, teams, ministry groups and staff

Sincere thanks to Denny Austin who first suggested these workshops in the spring of 2016, and recommended his friends, Mark and Geoff. And thanks to all who participated in one or both gatherings. Our two days together are already yielding fruit. I’m eager to see what else grows at FBC in the months and years ahead.

Grace & Peace,
